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Polar Bear

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Everything posted by Polar Bear

  1. We have urm.. tiny winey itsy bitsy wet snow falling ... nothing settling everything just wet. I don’t expect anything else. Hope it continues for you.
  2. Seems a few stranded vehicles on a34 and m40 and police advising not to travel. I was going to go and Travel 7 miles up the road to see the white views. But best I stay put
  3. Radar says rain but I can report some wet snow now falling! Not settling but snow at least
  4. Oooohh it's ...... raining still. That line ain't going to budge at all me thinks for Newbury ..... whilst 7 miles north ... hmmm
  5. You are kidding me! Now this is ridicously marginal ... 7 miles up the road it’s a different story!
  6. oo what have we here? I know prob a technical glitch but in my mind I envisage a Star Trek scene.. “the M4 snow shield is about to break up, take cover, what do we forecast now for newbury”.. what do we say? “
  7. All stopped now. All around has some but alas not us. Very very very light wet covering but no more..
  8. Just read on an equestrian forum that BE are still deciding to run an event in Leicestershire.. very irresponsible considering people Travel some distances in their horse boxes to get there. Most are posting though that whilst they will loose those entry fees ( which aren’t small) that they aren’t taking the risk ! The area is under an amber warning for goodness sake. The venue just said all our surfaces are ok so we are running it. Hmm. Do these people know what an amber warning means?
  9. Agree with you there. Not bitter and love to see the posts of those that have it. My friend was supposed to be competing at Aston Le Walls today - told her yesterday prob best not to bother as whilst it will be rain here they would likely to have snow. Sure enough! So I suspect the event will get cancelled later. Plus there is the matter of driving a horse box in the snow- . Not ideal if conditions get worse. Thank you for your comment re creeping further south past M4 - very nice idea and well let’s hope heh. I’m not convinced but hey ho. It’s good to dream.
  10. I tried that loop. Ha ha.. the snow line stays firmly where it is and no where near newbury! Oh well c’est la vie
  11. Whereabouts are you Steve B? ( can’t tell as I am on the mobile app and it won’t show) .. quite frustrating I know - I keep looking at the radar willing it to come further south.
  12. We have rain!! And I suspect that will remain for most of the day. We are just south of the M4 so waa expected. Enjoy the lovely white snow those that do.
  13. We have rain!! And I suspect that will remain for most of the day. We are just south of the M4 so waa expected. Enjoy the lovely white snow those that do.
  14. Yup. just what I was thinking last week . It is also shut next weekend.... they must know something else it is all a conspiracy...
  15. Ok to make Y'all feel a little better here is my (non technical or evidence based) assessment of the situation on Sunday. In times of previous snow Armageddon's past for the south central and south east, an amber warning which shone like an Terry's chocolate orange across my work computer screen, 48 hours out from the actual day of reckoning, did originate in the shires of the Midlands. As the day of reckoning got closer the amber warning grew and behold a red warning sprung up like the Robin's Breast all across the south east.. with 2 hours to go..." In other words...we still have a chance... I am hoping ..
  16. Here comes that slider . I can see out of the office window as it skirts Reading
  17. Apparently it is meant to be snowing over newbury.. currently. Think I’m on the edge ..the lamppost isn’t showing me anything. Either that or am too bleary eyed from sleep and can’t focus
  18. Chichester is my home town. I know the A27 can be a nightmare and diff to get out if there is prob. Mind you I know every back route having lived there over 40 years. As for snow it is exceptional to get anything decent there. Even when rest of coast is fairly covered . We used to call it the Thorney Window as it always included Thorney Island. Probably down to the South Downs sheltering but then I haven’t a clue. Enjoy that pint!
  19. Oh I see the M4 is shut this weekend near Newbury again for works...so if you want to snow at the weekend Sky, and all over the M4, crack on - we wont be using that section so it is all yours... (and the workmen of course) https://www.newburytoday.co.uk/news/news/23020/m4-to-close-for-the-next-two-weekends.html
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