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Everything posted by snowfish1

  1. Me too Boys so I'm. Glad we. Have somewhere to hang out... Can I join in
  2. I am. Glad you are well again and yes cold weather isn't fun if you are ill or infirm. Which model will pick up. On the easterly first then teits
  3. How do u ignore someone on here there's a button isn't there
  4. This is a. Very good sign remaining cold no matter what then yes??
  5. Hi Steve This whole chase has been mammoth ongoing..... When is it gojng to give us a break surely we are due
  6. You know this ssw has been a strange phenomenon. If that's the right word. I think we will do alright out of it. But it's sure taken a time to effect
  7. Benign but at least it's not mild. Scraping the barrel at the moment hoping the ssw hasn't taken full effect yet
  8. How comes do u also suspec the changes have yet to. Establish themselves?
  9. Do you suspect the changed have yet to filter through to the models then?
  10. When is the ECM run due out please I hope. It takes up the easterly baton again
  11. How come you thnk it will look different and would it accelerate into the reliable time frame
  12. Looks good doesnt it. The easterly is around a week long on gfs! Haven't seen anything like it se would be buried? Ecm very similar
  13. Yes please. I'm a beginner and love t learn. Has the ssw finished now. What was it's duration and what is the likely duration of cold for the UK from. Heronin
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