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Mr Sleet

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Everything posted by Mr Sleet

  1. So now you have to tell us what your profession is - I'm all ears
  2. It's not a superficial recovery it's a natural recovery. Lets wait and see if 2007 was a freak event or not.
  3. Hi Jethro. Yes, something else to consider. Also, we have just gone past the full moon, so tidal action combined with stormy seas may be the culprit. Or it could be global warming.
  4. The Watkins ice shelf has definitely not collapsed. Now the Wilkins ice shelf is another matter, it's on the western side of the peninsula ( I would suggest that possibly very stormy weather has more to do with a small piece breaking off than GW).
  5. Well these things happen all the time as you point out, and are pinpricks in the bigger scheme of things, which is increasing ice area, well above the long term average.
  6. Thats right, globally things are neutral. As for the north, will be very interesting to see what happens. suspect some humble pie will be offered to but rejected by certain posters who have nailed their colours very firmly to the mast (mention no names ) but here's an anagram as a clue - Wary Flog I'm cautiously optimistic that the polar bears will be ok.
  7. From Cryosphere Today website. No comment needed I think.
  8. You may be right Gray Wolf, but I wait with interest to see what actually happens, rather than rely on emotional statements from ice scientists and EU commissioners. NHemisphere Ice extent now plateauing a good month later than last year.
  9. Gray Wolf- you are barking mad ! Answer the question sensibly- why is multiyear ice still decreasing during the winter, when vast amounts of single year ice are being created at the same time ?
  10. Hi. Could we please keep this sort of talk to the Enviro thread please - "Polar Ice sets new minimum". This seems to be developing into another of those AGW arguments. Thanks
  11. If the multiyear ice has continued to diminish desite the very cold conditions up there during the winter, this would suggest a mechanism other than AGW, or any sort of atmospheric warming - wouldn't it ?
  12. N Hemisphere ice doing very well. Looks like the peak is going to be at least a month later than 2007. This could bode well for a much increased minimum in 2008. I'm not a betting man, but if I was I would reckon on a good 2M sq km up on 2007's minimum. This would of course lay the foundations for a recovery in multiyear ice.
  13. No doubting things warmed up a bit up to 98/2000, what we are seeing is the thermal inertia in the system, probably. The subsequent plateauing and possible cooling off may reverse/slow down the shrinkage in the next 10 years or so.
  14. Sorry to be picky, but by some quirk of fate , you and AFT joined on the same date :o
  15. Alright OSN, the current global sea ice area anomaly is greater than at the start of 1980 - ok ? :lol:
  16. How can it be misleading when it is the result of natural phenonemon ? Rhetorical question.
  17. Looking at the CT site , NH ice still increasing , remarkably. SH ice increasing rapidly. Global sea ice area looking set to break through highest level since 1979. Gray Wolf has gone very very quiet I notice. :o
  18. N Hemisphere ice doing extraordinarily well, still increasing. Total global sea ice area now back to 1979 levels.
  19. That's a strange world you are inhabiting there GW.
  20. It's just like you SF to ignore a data point that doesn't fit your inutuition.
  21. Well with a leak rate close on 40 % for Thames Water , then by your reasoning say another 50% of water use is wasteful and unnecessary, we should be able to get by on 10% of the water that we actually use If I go to B&Q and buy huge quantities of a particular product I would expect a discount for a bulk buy. The same should be true of water consumption for people with families. Like me.
  22. Well, maybe I was a bit hasty you win this one . Must dash, carbon to sequester
  23. Hi Roo, glad you took that well As I am a research scientist ( Industry ( carbon sequestration) , not academia ) I could but I won't it might make you cry Although I am playing with you a bit, one thing you can almost certainly guarantee is that at the end of a climate scientists paper, they will say " more research needed" which roughly translated means " I need another contract"
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