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Everything posted by DAVID SNOW

  1. Nice, would that be the post tory era, or the failed wrong labour christmas pudding?
  2. But you still have the sun news paper... Oops, hold on, tough on crime and the causes of crime.... education education education, weapons of mass " distraction" a classic that one. The good ole sun paper has ditched wrong labour.Not to mention immigration
  3. Some very high temps around i see during the 1920'S christmas pudding,or was it their pre modern, or post , or middle era
  4. Thursday into friday for the south could be interesting
  5. Good luck on your forecast, and dont be too worried about the sort of people who try to score points against others spelling mistakes. Well done to you for trying
  6. Are you a cupid stunt by any chance?
  7. Yep,poor spelling,also poor news paper.New labour puppet paper
  8. Indeed, when im waiting at the bus stop,its dark, bloody cold, its hissing down,im thinking am i going to be late for work, the mortgage is due in 5 days... Oh yes my carbon yeti print, nothing else matters
  9. Very one sided... What power they have to control and corrupt
  10. Interesting , they have millions invested in their super computers etc... and NW trumps them , perhaps some of the money could be pushed your way with your smaller super computers
  11. Dont be silly, superman was crushed and killed by a horse made of kryptonite :lol:
  12. Its the daily mail news paper, the best tabloid in the uk
  13. oK then, we shall capture all our carbon burps and try to store them under our beds... in the mean time china is opening a coal fired power station at the rate of ............. 1 a weak, so our little 0.000000001% contribution is .............. So any eco warriors i suggest you go to china or india or......... Because our little islands make little diff to any climate change
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