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Gonzolio Martinez

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Everything posted by Gonzolio Martinez

  1. It's sunny in Norwich at the moment, at east it looks that way behind my closed curtains from my bed.
  2. There seems to be a cell heading north towards me at the moment but it looks to have dumped all its sferics out to sea by Colchester. But today's been such a let down for me I'm going to cling to any shread of hope I can.
  3. I had to go on a trek to drop off some paperwork for a new job. Thought I'd take a walk afterwards, clouds starting to look ominous. Couldn't resist taking these shots
  4. I don't hold high hopes for today, the best potential seems to keep missing me here. I'm going on a lengthy walk in a bit anyway so I'll take some pics and keep my eyes pointed upwards for any developments.
  5. Here's some random video from today's escapades. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: And a bonus, one of the benefits of being near an airport runway:
  6. Ok, just come back after a long walk to get a better view. Saw some interesting things. Gonna upload the video, I'll report back when that's done, but in the meantime, here's some pics: Got some rumbles out of this one, along with some interesting cloud formations, there look to be a lot of low-hanging cloud that kept looking like funnels forming. There also looked like an inflow band and a wall cloud, but that was probably just wishful thinking on my part. This was from the earlier cell, glad I wasn't caught out in that:
  7. The thunder stopped when I recorded and started when I stopped. It been rumbling continually for around 45 mins now. Going to go check out that spot in Greenday's video. It's about a 30 min walk away. See if I can get some better views.
  8. Managed to get a small video from my phone. You'll have to forgive my awkward camera work and presentation. Brief thunderstorm:
  9. Rain and rumbling in Norwich. All IC as far as I can tell. Several rumbles a minute. Too close to reliably determine strength.
  10. Seems like that's the last of it. It's moved off over Europe and exploded over there. That was fun while it lasted. Too bad most of it just missed me.
  11. Rising columns keep popping up to the north and south. Some textbook anvils. Slightly on the weak looking side but they keep missing me. The best ones keep passing just to the south.
  12. That blob of rain on the left of that shot looks ominous. Got a small white core. I got to pop out to the shop and it looks 50/50 as to whether it'll pass right over my head.
  13. I can see rising columns to my north and south. The most frustrating thing is my view to the west is completely blocked. I need to get to higher ground, which in Norfolk is a problem. To the north: To the south:
  14. Caught this bad boy moving just to my south. I'm just north of the city.
  15. Getting darker, but I don't hold high hopes. Temps have taken a small tumble.
  16. I'm no expert by any stretch but there is a lot of large cumulus building here, some big-ish tops that seem like they're trying to rise. Only getting a few mins of sun here and there though. Anyone seen anything interesting?
  17. Too much cloud cover. 3 recorded strikes so far. All way out to sea.
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