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Posts posted by Hirudine

  1. It's already getting blustery, though I'm in a bit of an elevated position in the Jewellery Quarter. Must admit I am going to be nervous about the workshop during Sunday- it's an old Victorian building, mostly west facing, and I already have one sash window that's been leaking. I definitely think next door's hanging sign will be off down the street!

    GFS seems to be predicting snow showers in the aftermath of this storm- is that an outlier?

  2. I'm nowhere near as knowledgeable as some on this thread, but my feeling for the coming winter is for it to be generally colder than last year's. Personally I'd prefer it if it wasn't, as I'm not a fan of either extremes of temperature, but given the relatively quick cool down from the beginning of September due to the frequent rain and such, I feel like we'll have chiller overall winter months than we had previously. I assume if we continue having this level of precipitation into early next year, maybe we could see that bumping up against colder air from the continent?

    Obvs, my uneducated guess.YMMV.

  3. 1 hour ago, Another Kent clipper said:

    Care to share?


    Also, what happens in the very centre of a swirling low like today's?  Is it just wet and boring or is there some kind of lull in the rain?


    Lol, yeah, it wasn't super exciting- very low stormy clouds moving at speed, and constant heavy rain pretty much.

    It's rained most of the day here, just varying in intensity as bands of precipitation swirled round with the low.

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  4. Well, after only a couple of hours of sleep, and a four mile round walk in this heat to pop into work, I've been flagging all day.

    Managed to upload the one video ( I need to see if the second is worth the bother) but my pics and vidz aren't very good quality ( old mobile phone camera)

    The main interest on this clip is the strength of the gust front, which was so strong that it was blowing the torrential rain up and over the green dome of the local church- it really did look more like fast moving smoke! Hopefully you can just about make it out- it really reminded me of hurricane footage when they're close to the eye.

    I've also not seen that amount of rain falling at that rate before in this location, which caused short term localised flooding at the bottom of our road, but that rain and wind intensity probably lasted no more than 5 minutes.


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  5. 3 minutes ago, sunnijim said:


    There will be a post mortem on this one, given nearly all of the warnings from different respected agencies have called for a much greater frequency of lightning and problems arising from severe thunderstorms,the trigger just hasn't been there in the South.Perhaps it will start to fire further North?


    This is probably fairly stupid, but I do wonder if the northerly direction of the wind (at lower levels) inhibited the progression of things tonight? A kinda push back- I know it was mentioned that these were likely to be elevated, so effected more by wind direction higher up, but this noob does muse.

  6. 1 hour ago, Arnie Pie said:

    I did see a showing before midnight and had the same view as you Hirudine this morning.....and in all fairness they did look the part...... ( trouble is that im begining to see NLCs in my sleep).



    I know the feeling! I did um and ah about whether to include my pic, as the cloud cover made it almost impossible to see any detail to absolutely confirm it was NLC, but it was taken over an hour before sunrise- you wouldn't normally see the lightening sky through clouds at that point from my experience. Another thing which might have been an influence was the position of the setting moon, possibly helping to illuminate a larger extent of NLC?

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