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Everything posted by Atmogenic

  1. just noticed right now that exactly 5 years ago, this amazing storm hit my location at night. This is what should've been today except during the daytime but all we got was sodding rain
  2. well here in Kent it just been some heavy at times torrential rain but not a single bit of lightning or thunder, what a waste of a day for activity wise, though we do need the rain so that is something to be happy about
  3. what the **** i turned on the lightning for the weather radar and my computer froze
  4. No rain here yet, had about an hour and a half of sunshine when i got up (10:07am) and around 12pm it became overcast and the humidity raised a lot, the winds have got quite blustery but other than that nothing of interest has happened. Currently at the wye downs
  5. I’m not sure, it wasn’t producing much lightning but now it’s trying to produce some more now, though rain still hasn’t arrived here yet which i thought it would do by now
  6. I think the cell coming towards me is slowly dying, lightning is becoming less frequent and so are the rumbles
  7. Storm is getting closer, lightning is flaring up and the rumbles are getting louder but no rain yet
  8. we need the warmth after having a month of freezing cold northerly wind every day in May
  9. This is possibly the best summer conditions you can get, nice and warm during the day but cool and refreshing at night due to that wind
  10. It’s ok i’ve not gotten any, only seeing them far away
  11. I could be here for hours, yet ANOTHER cell is vigorously building right after the previous one has just developed an anvil. At this point, are we sure we’re in England??
  12. My mum got a video from my aunt in wattford and it’s like a completely different country compared to where i am
  13. For those in the southeast of london, expect a round 2 after it
  14. Looks like some more cumulus clouds are building behind the thunderstorm that is heading towards london from the southeast
  15. Some big cumulus clouds in the distance here, not sure if it’s the one in london
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