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Everything posted by Dami

  1. All the time here. Or i get a small shower and as it moves up country turns into a thunderstorm. But today mainly that.
  2. Thanks for confirming that 1) that was thunder i heard and 2) i feel asleep and missed the rest.
  3. Ok so not as amazing as the pic above, but this is currently developing by my house
  4. I have seen some amazing storms on the coast and I've had some amazing storms over Bedford. Where we live sometimes we have storms practically develop over us (which happened in August) but mostly storms break up as they hit my area and then re-built later up country. I just think it's the part of the area i live in. Snow is another example. I would love to see a shelf cloud like people in SW have seen. Not jealous, at all.
  5. confession time : Anyone else look at the storm forecast maps (which don't have a lot of detail on them) and compare it against a more detailed map to see if you are in the storm/area warning? Just me? Detail as in place names BTW.
  6. The worst pain is moving from an area that is having the best of storms now. Bedford does my nut in at times.
  7. ugh the only thunder i will get this week and i sleep thru' it.
  8. i like me a coat. Coat for when it's cold. coat for when it's wet coat when it snows coat..well you get the idea. After such a hot, dry summer it was dreamy to just have a warm day with some rain splashing on you.
  9. Had a few light-ish showers waiting for school. Lovely looking clouds. Already day one and we almost lost my Daughters iphone and a kind person picked it up. It's all my fault donya know. UGH..
  10. So as i posted in the regionals, we had a something last night. Could hear our blind by the window banging the glass due to the wind, heard the rain then a long bang which sounded like a plane. So it was either a one hit wonder or i almost slept thru a storm last night. Hubs only heard one crack and saw no lightning as the blind woke him. gutted.
  11. All being said, it was a lovely Autumn morning. Clear from the rain, apart from some mist forming over the land. My Daughters new school is right in the country side by a chocolate box village and it was all calm and peaceful there.
  12. Well the winds got up and it rained. Thought a really loud plane was going over, cursed it rolled back to sleep. yeah it was thundering. duh.
  13. so alexa yet again was right for storms, just not here . Woof, we have a yellow warning but alexa is having none of it. Just when i need to be up early, you have had 6 weeks to storm at night.
  14. According to alexa, thunderstorms tomorrow! But in all fairness last time no one had storms in the forecast and she was right. (although i personally didn't get one, so someone will get a storm some where)
  15. morning. Very humid out today, had some rain over night and this morning. Feels lovely and cool atm. Clouds have that blue-grey-ness I associate with stormy stuff.
  16. And i won't get any of them But to be fair, school is starting and the school has a dirty big pylon near by that i wouldn't want to be under if it did storm.
  17. wow oh wow. When i lived down south we would get storms but nothing as stunning. Jealous., lol I had to bookmark this picture. There are just no words.
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