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Everything posted by Sparky68

  1. Very cold out there this morning -2° , shame the predicted snow events across the country fizzled out again but , we should be use to it on this little island of ours by now.
  2. Typical British press, nothing mystical behind snow on the rails and any snow is not good for the railways. Fact is that steel on steel creates brilliant friction, put anything in between 2 steel surfaces and it will lose traction.
  3. Something along the lines of " if it doesnt snow on the 15th they would run through the streets naked" or words to that effect
  4. Personally with a weekly 400 mile commute I'm not overly bothered if we don't get snow,. Beautiful if you don't have to drive a great deal in it, pain in the *** otherwise.
  5. That model reminds me of the Robot from "The Day the Earth Stood Still" Could be a sign
  6. The MAD Rollercoaster is on the up again this morning grasping at slim chances of Snow for the South. Those guys must be emotional wrecks!
  7. Looks like the MAD thread is in serious need of The Samaritans tonight. Talk about winding each other up into a frenzy only to crash and burn!
  8. The way the models have been flip flopping these last couple of weeks nothing would suprise me regarding next week. Could be freezing cold and dry as a bone or some places could see a good dumping of snow!
  9. My area is pretty much slap bang in the middle of the predicted snow , guarentee the Cambs snowshield will be at its strongest level!
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