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Everything posted by Sparky68

  1. Police here have ANPR and still there are a million uninsured cars on the roads . People who dont bother with insurance usually dont even register the cars as their's. As much as I agree with you it would be impossible to police here . That pub looks inviting.
  2. Main roads are not too bad now in MK . A421 was awful though this morning down to one lane
  3. We dont really get the weather conditions to warrant it. They cant get a estimated 1 million cars in the UK to have insurance , what chance do they have policing winter tyres
  4. Think I might brave the mad thread for some insight, if i'm not back in 5 mins send help.
  5. -3 on the commute , Winter has landed. Wonder if we will be lucky enough to see some snow from this cold snap and I can only dream of a white Christmas!!!
  6. Barely above freezing on the commute , 1.5c at home and 0.5c in Milton Keynes. Looks like the Mad Thread is doing it's usual.
  7. Big black clouds over MK could get some rain. Can't believe we are all in here hoping for rain
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