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Everything posted by Snipper

  1. As a connected aside do some essential oils kill the virus? So many claims made. Thinking of the likes of Teatree and Lavender Oil. Absolutely no intention of rushing out and buying any. Just interested.
  2. For the vast majority it won’t be.
  3. There is a steady stream of traffic past our house but the not the usual queues. My mother’s care home have asked for something that I wil l deliver latter but not go in. I told them they should stop visiting prior to them actually doing so.
  4. As I see it. 1. The virus could infect a high percent of people. 2. Those who get it and recover will come back into the labour market whether it be paid or voluntary. 3. If the elderly and vulnerable are isolated and taken out of the equation for even a while it must help to some degree. This of course does not help those who lose paid employment but surely those organisations that will keep going no matter what will be seeking staff. Obviously cannot train a doctor or a nurse by handing out a pamphlet but many will have more than adequate qualifications for other work.
  5. Fortunately most of my funds are in “cash” now as are my 104 year old mother’s who I act as attorney for. Looks like the care home will continue to get what they are due.
  6. A lot I expect lost a lot of value off their pensions from “ordinary” economic crashes in the past.
  7. Time and again they said they were trying to keep pressure off NHS
  8. So you would have to gone into lock down today?
  9. Death in a hospital that people are carted to is not the same as deaths in the house next door.
  10. Sorry but I really don’t know what the problem is. They were trying to say one option does not fit all circumstances
  11. Why mixed? They could have talked for ages trying to cover every scenario. I didn’t find it to difficult to understand the basic message. Social distancing. Relaxed to severe
  12. Chris Whitty, me and you plus everybody else I expect
  13. So the options are there and it is up to everyone to decide what they in particular want to do. Hopefully not too many are waiting to hear what to do.?
  14. But surely it was said do it now. Trying to treat the masses with a modicum of intelligence. If they don’t rise to the occassion it will be forced. Supermarkets? Not what I heard.
  15. Why do all graphs posted on here seldom have al the information needed. Would assume it might be for UK or is it England or somewhere else?
  16. Death in a hospital I can see from my bedroom
  17. So there is one of the problems. Sorry if I keep coming back to it what would be your advice.
  18. Yes please. There is only so much that can be done by anyone at the moment. Please can those who have a catch all situation comment please come forward
  19. Lot of people out there were more than a little concerned weeks ago.
  20. Take your children out of school if you don’t like what is being suggested.
  21. Whole heartedly agree most unwise. By inference suggesting others do the same. Not much difference to consulting the local witch doctor. I really feel there are far too many postings on here about drugs by people who are not qualified to make a comment.
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