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Rob Walker

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Everything posted by Rob Walker

  1. Sorry i was referring to the post you posted on earlier forgot to quote it lol (800 to 330 strikes per min claim)
  2. I don't know which site it is that people use but there often seems to be an exaggeration of strike per minute rates...
  3. Looks like it is on rain radar.... converging around the m6 atm south of warrington down to birmingham
  4. Sunny again just west of Salisbury so you never know! Insanely sticky again is like being in the rainforest!
  5. Okay not quite the same track but pretty much the same area (for that eastern cell) found a screenshot from blitzortung back from the 28th (or 27th lol) cant quite remember
  6. Yep west/central southern england has had quite a few good-un's this year had a fantastic storm off that eastern cell here today And there was a pretty incredible one back on the 27 or 28th of august too (even remembering it getting special attention on the news aswell) seemed to take a similar track again to that one.
  7. Well that went very well plenty of blue sky again in Salisbury temp already back up to 25 (same temp just before the storm arrived) now that the storm cleared north
  8. Yes does seem to have something more to give later in the day for parts of the west given its current track
  9. Western side of Salisbury where I am appeared to get a direct hit from the south east cell of that band 15 minutes ago with very frequent lightning overhead and some incredibly loud thunder I got a video of it approaching but i think it contains me swearing at the end before it came overhead and I went inside!! If it's any good (ie can see the lightning) and I can upload it? - admin whats the rules on uploading a video with accidental swearing (twice near end) in video audio? haha Also had my neighborhood robin sat in the tree singing his heart out and then next to me eating all the while the storm was approaching hope i got it in the video too Either way i am very happy right now a good satisfying dose of storm hope others get their chances too!! And the sun is trying to come out now so back to my gardening! But sounds like after it passed overhead it's slowed in activity to the north of Salisbury? hasn't sounded anywhere near as frequent....
  10. Be hoping! so far most areas seeing anything are getting just rain/evaporating rain; despite the conditions! Had a couple of thunderclaps here and the rain on radar never touched the ground. Since then just very muggy but a touch cooler than the 30 degrees earlier today.
  11. There is a great looking convergence on the london/se area at the moment, wonder if it will have enough to break the cap?
  12. thunder near Salisbury. two loud seperate thunder claps. no rain yet
  13. 30.6 here (Salisbury) with 18 dewpoint. Only just started to see the cloud here
  14. Yep same here! 30.6 on garden thermometer still sunny, just seeing first wisps of haze combined with some interesting low level cloud!
  15. Yes also seeing this here in down central south in salisbury predicted 25/26 and cloudier by midday onwards but hardly seen a cloud yet (apart from a few tiny wispy ones!), very little wind, and my garden thermometer (in by far the coolest/shadiest / most exposed part of my garden) is already just nudging above 30 degrees c! Salisbury wasn't set to be in the hottest air today but It certainly feels like it's holding on still it's sweltering outside! easily feels as hot now as yesterday (predicted to feel just "warm" for my area today and not as hot as yesterday) So, while I don't often fiollow events as so many non starts in uk; I actually will be keeping an eye on the next few days, what with that precip/thundery rain heading up from bay of biscay in this direction currently Either way will be interesting to see what happens; can't imagine with all this heat here that something won't develop in or around the incoming thundery rain!
  16. I quite like this site. Seems to be relatively accurate for wind flow, and can be good for looking how systems are interacting/convergences are developing (or not) on set-up's like these..... https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-1.57,51.63,3000/loc=-1.526,49.864
  17. Doesn't surprise me one bit! Only just dropped below 25 at the end of my garden (in Salisbury)! Winds much lighter here now, and after a completely blue skies day can see the very first hints of cloud in the sky obscuring the odd star. Loving the pleasant temps sat outside as waaay too sticky in the house atm!
  18. Despite being out of the warning areas..... really hope this doesn't go to waste for nothing later in the eve! Salisbury forecast Tuesday 6pm 28°c Temp (metoffice 30°c at 6pm still) 76% Humidity 19°c Dewpoint 1784j/kg Cape -9 Lifted Index
  19. Most storms that hit us don't effect everyone; and often don't cause much (if any) notable damage inland, so I'm not quite sure what you were expecting? its really gusting here now later than was expected so you may yet be affected in Sussex...
  20. Yes I agree! looks like the coasts and hills have got the wind a few hours earlier than it picking up over inland areas. Has been very gusty here at times but the wind does drop away in between gusts to almost completely calm!! Although the past half an hour have noticed an increase in the frequency/strength of the gusts and the calm spells are definitely shorter!; either that or we're just more sheltered from westerlies than southerly winds!
  21. Weird!! its working now maybe I have been there before! Data seems a bit off for my area right now but I can see why you prefer it to the earthnull thingy
  22. Windyty is just on the wrong date entirely. Its showing me data for before Christmas....
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