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Rob Walker

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Everything posted by Rob Walker

  1. hmmm not liking this mess west of the main event... seems its will be less and less likely for me at the mo seen this sort of set-up many a time. Anyone in west driving through salisbury to head south east/along south coast and fancy company? lol
  2. Suns come back out here for last 10 mins (and across south coastal counties east of here by looks of it) after the odd touch of light rain spits for the last couple of hours with that band of leftovers that moved up from the channel. Feels very muggy here but not going to get too enthused until later on once the plume destabilises; Not liking the amount of uncertainty between forecasts at the moment so will check back later to see where things are looking favourable.
  3. I'm sure with more of these hot weather blasts over the uk past few years and higher frequency of intense storms your chance will come soon Failing that get ready to chase some storms haha! (Unfortunately I can't drive due to health reasons) so was incredibly chuffed I experienced it at home!... otherwise I'd probably end up chasing most set-ups haha! ... problem is now i'm hooked!
  4. Got a text from my cousin in bournemouth about that he was walking home at the time! Still was intense as it moved up through salisbury and started its expansion east; monsoon like rain with incredible spray being lit up by very frequent sheet lightning and some cg thrown in for good measure. Had a hell of a gust on the rear flank of the storm nearly blew some of the fence over! My mum (over the otherside of salisbury) text me asking if there was a tornado in it haha. I would love to see a few more storms like that one and the one that happened down plymouth way early sat morn over the come summer/years.
  5. No, look toward later on this evening for developing storms this is just left overs from biscay.
  6. New cell developing south of brighton area in channel maybe?
  7. Wow that storm to my south in the channel is exploding! Might just dash outside and shelter a few of my small/tender plants just in case and see if can see some of the flashes.
  8. Oooo i like this looks good given whats already happened in cornwall!
  9. Hmmm.... looking less like sleep now waiting to see those developments from whats popping up near cherbourg
  10. Keeping an eye on this while i watch some netflix, if nowt happens in an hour though i'll be going to bed (but with my window open and curtains drawn just in case don't want to miss a cell like the one happening in cornwall just cause i can sleep through anything lol)
  11. Yes was looking at the webcams thinking that. It headed up over Salisbury after and for a time was the most intense/frequent lightning I've seen a uk bred storm. Certainly will be impressive for anyone who hasn't experienced that sort of lightning before!
  12. Just checked the radar and seen it's kicking off west, more west than I was understanding it would? hmm that webcam doesn't work for me
  13. Just had a quick look back at the 1am updates; looks like the M4 bouy 62093 (to the north) had 2mb lower slp than Belmullet at 981mb
  14. Same indication of a slightly southward shift going by the local forecast for here too; actually indicating 6 hours of 50-56mph gusts from the ukmo (to 1 hour of 50+ from the prior run). Not sure I'm seeing that correlate with the center of the low being much off forecast track though? I guess at least we don't have long to find out how this plays out!
  15. Not often in February I remember seeing a moderate easterly touching double figures under leaden skies...
  16. New Picture.bmp Still showing 2 hours of heavy snow for Salisbury; but does show the slight temp rise after too....
  17. Another forum lurker drawn into a post! It's still just over 6 degrees in and around Salisbury, but dropping to 5 degrees up on the plain. Only just seen a small drop in the temp and winds lighten (still from south west) so think i've not seen the colder air making it's appearance here just yet. Keeping my fingers crossed for at least seeing some of the white stuff falling before dark I see on live temperature map data from https://www.wunderground.com/wundermap it looks like the colder air has made its move into most of wales; and parts of the south west and central southern midlands showing temperature drops from last hours check
  18. me too look at the south salisbury is in a perfect gap of nada! can see the distant flashing but nothing else
  19. lights just flickered twice here in close succession despite not that close to a storm.... yet.... must be some notable outages occurring
  20. its certainly heading in the right direction for Bournemouth area
  21. Ive got huge raindrops think its building something close by blitz seems to think there was a strike but cant hear much..... just had the same in Salisbury with the winds a few mins ago the arc is starting to fill out a bit now lets hope we get something electrical along the new forming line!
  22. Im getting some gusty south/easterly winds here in salisbury appearing out of the calm -definately still in the warm air for now im very humid out!!! first real clouds obscurring moonlight forming nearly overhead... hoping that the arc of more isolated cells is begging to fill in a bit so can get something a tad closer to the smalls! Looking good for some people already hope everyones enjoying it
  23. Just been reading an interesting article further to a conversation I had with a friend in the west coast of France a few hours earlier who alerted me to this discussion amongst himself and fellow weather followers in France, what do people make of this? (it is in french but i should have posted the google translate version). The probabilities are slim but interesting enough just that it is being discussed by a few meteorologists! https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.keraunos.org%2Factualites%2Ffil-infos%2F2016%2Fseptembre%2Ftempete-subtropicale-golfe-de-gascogne-aquitaine-14-15-septembre-2016
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