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Everything posted by izi

  1. The showers out to sea keep breaking up and giving me a headache! the big blob we were talking about earlier has, and doesnt look that great any more. Just had a hail shower here.
  2. is this the right thread for people around leeds? how much snow have you had? that band has stalled over you all day!
  3. snow started in newcastle, then stopped in 10 mins again... it will probably reform behind us in to a lengthy period of snow for someone! radar still shows that larger clump out to sea. if you 'play' the radar on metoffice website fortoday its been a weird old day. the main band stalled over leeds, then fizzled out alot - where is the 30cm for the southern country to come from? The showers which have been coming in of the north sea seem to be scared of land and disintegrate quickly. Tonight is looking interesting!
  4. yeah it will probs miss newcastle and dump it in kent lol i remember seeing a chart with a small low over us not so long ago which could explain this. Anyone else care to offer and explaination?
  5. Who ever gets this blob is a lucky so and so The red means 30 mm an hour, which equates to 30CM/hour fall, so even if it fell for 30 mins you would still get 15CMs!
  6. lucky bugger! Had a miserable 10 min shower earlier and nothing else. Looking at the radar looks like you have the shower now which has intensified over you- Typically being pathetic over Newcastle and being great somewhere further down the road! Latest radar looking like that bit out to sea is getting bigger!
  7. so you have seen snow then, i thought they would travel in further than 10 miles!
  8. my gran talks of the 1947 snow storm. It produced so much snow that the drifts were litterally 10 metres high, and some higher. Roads were completly cut off. Roads had to be dug out before being able to be passed by tractors, neber mind cars. she has photos of it somewhere, i should scan them in for all to enjoy.
  9. There seems to be a bit more organised snow out to sea. edit: topsweep1506 is this your anvil shaped stuf ha
  10. that means only reaching Newcastle? I'd have though they will penetrate at least 30 miles?
  11. Sorry for noob question, but what are lapse rates? http://news.bbc.co.uk/weather/forecast/10?area=NE1 look north forecast over to the right click play. Hasn't been updated since this morning but still shows snow.
  12. ah right. yeah, some good sledging around the valley, lots of hills! edit: snow stopping here. edit 2: stopped. added approximatly 0.5cm... so pretty light. I keep saying it, but it does look like the north sea may deliver later on this evening. Heres still hoping.
  13. is that newton village on the otherside? I was brought up not far from there Where are you snow showers? Sun out here! EDIT: slight now
  14. nice! suck in the office inbetween to sets of buildings with only concrete to look at!
  15. If you compare the two radar grabs, one from 7am and one from 1030am you can see the speed at which showers are increasing. This could organise itself in to some prolonged areas of snow later EDIT: attached wrong pics! go to bbc radar http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/radar/index.html here to see what i mean
  16. i'd be estatic with 4-6" of snow from the showers, but I dont see it happening. Again, i'd love to be wrong! The showers are now in a NE to SE flow, so we need to look out for showers at around a 45 degree angle from the sea. The heavy showers to our north look pretty intense, but with the NE flow in full swing they are not coming further south towards Newcastle area. The attached shows the current direction things are moving. It does look like the showers will pick up this afternoon.
  17. i'd agree in newcastle/towns, although 20 miles out of town to the west there is 10 inches of snow. Both my brother and my mum have confirmed living about 5 miles apart. When it was wet and sleety/rain in town, it was snowing out there and has remained a few degrees colder through out so less thaw occoured. This winter by far has been the best for a long time, but for many places like newcastle we are yet to see a big fall of snow. We have had about 2.5inchs at most i'd say, on two seperate occasions both times a thaw has set in and turned it to ice. Not the most fun of conditions. I am hopping that the showers organise in to a longer spell of snow for us over the next 36 hours. The potential is there for quite a bit of snow. Here's hoping!
  18. looks like the ne flow might make these ones miss us, and there is nothing much in line of sight.
  19. looks like shower activity is already starting from the east 1cm fell from the main band here, looks like my prediction may be right after all (for newcastle)
  20. its all over the place at the moment dave. as others have said its about watching the radar and praying now lol. going on the latest model output its not looking great for Newcastle. that doesnt mean we won't see snow, just we won't see as much.
  21. break down in about 8-10 days i think, but the worst snow will be over in the next 5 days.
  22. http://ows.public.sembach.af.mil/index.cfm?section=dsplOOPâ„‘=21OWS_EUROPE_MODEL-DATA_UKMO-GLOBAL_SNOW_SFC_??_12Z snow accumlication forecast, shows nothing over the far north east lol. its getting worse and worse for NE
  23. there are reports of freezing rain at -1.1oC so keep cautious :lol: http://www.sat24.com/image.ashx?country=scan&type=slide&index=12&time=&sat= polo??
  24. how do you mean? you talking about the 'blue' over us tonight? the blue is basically very low precipitation (0.01-0.05 mm/h) which basically means 0cm snow what you need to look out for is the yellows and oranges
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