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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. Could we be in for some more sensationalist thunderstorm warnings next weekend?
  2. 24C and wall-to-wall sunshine. It must be fantastic on the East Coast!
  3. Nothing here, chaps: no lightning, no thunder, no rain. It's the same thing, year in and year out; something in our climate has changed!
  4. Another few hours of nothing: no thunder and no lightning, but plenty of betty swollocks¬
  5. Indeed, Mark: plants don't grow on what's still in reservoirs.
  6. All we ever seem to get over here, these days, is unremitting heat and humidity: I've nae seen a decent storm in years!
  7. Well, that's 0.2mm more than we've had over here!
  8. Aaaaand it's back to Netflix. Unless, of course, we get some cricket before the snow comes!
  9. Aye, it's the usual dry squib over here. Had I not grown to expect such nothingness, I might have called it a 'bust'!
  10. Unless that putative blob of storms hits us overnight, it's the usual sod-all over here!
  11. Well, thank you, God! Just as England gets into a winnable position, the bloody heavens open. In Yorkshire!
  12. HMG, out of touch? Surely not -- Tarquin and Miranda will be fine: More electric vehicle charging points in Westminster than entire West Midlands - Birmingham Live WWW.BIRMINGHAMMAIL.CO.UK Figures show that Coventry and Solihull are the region's best areas for the number of charging points, while Walsall is the worst.
  13. Earth reaches hottest day ever recorded 4 days in a row - ABC News ABCNEWS.GO.COM The planet reached the highest temperature ever recorded by human-made instruments during one of America's most quintessential summer holidays. And that at the time we're only just exiting a multi-year La Nina?
  14. No, probably not, Don ... Given the bigger picture: The planet saw its hottest day on record this week. It's a record that will be broken again and again | CNN EDITION.CNN.COM This week’s global temperature records are probably the warmest in at least 100,000 years, one climate scientist explained.
  15. I've heard enough whingeing from peeps whenever temps in Bournemouth fail to exceed 32C already. Why listen to Aussies?
  16. Are we really supposed to give credence to chatbot nonsense? I think I'll stick with the Met. Office and the models.
  17. Too true: I used to hide under my eiderdown (we didn't have duvets back then!) whenever I heard rain on the roof. IMO, the best antidote to irrational fear is understanding.
  18. Same here; yesterday was the first definitely subnormal day for quite some time. It's just that I'm quite comfortable at 18C.
  19. Well then, why not educate us lesser mortals? Do you really believe that palaeoclimatology is not complex?
  20. Well, they are becoming increasingly rare; they're far less common than when ar were a lud!
  21. I think the real problem is one of non-comprehension, and, with it, the somewhat dubious belief that everyone has something relevant to say, on any subject whatsoever. Should society start doubting the reality of gravity?
  22. Indeed, and it looks as though 32C might be reached, for what will be the third time this summer, sometime over the weekend.
  23. And, do you apply that same 'logic' to, say, Holocaust denial, polio-vaccine denial or MMR vaccine denial? Is adherence to the efficacy of those a 'religious belief, too?
  24. A couple of vids on the upcoming El Nino:
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