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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. I agree. If only all the sleet, snow and slush can bugger-off until December, I'll be happy!
  2. Guess what? Chance of 'drizzly showers' tonight and, should we be really luck, some more 'drizzly showers' tomorrow... Does that get my goat? Too right it does!
  3. 1981 was certainly very cold. In MK, it was <2C and snow lay all day.
  4. I get what you're saying CS - but I can hardly recall a year in which snow has not fallen after March 19...?
  5. And, given the assumed/presumed effects of both AGW and the upcoming Solar minimum, who knows what the next five years will bring?
  6. Come on Dave...How long have you been a member on here? Exactly! So you should know, as well as I do, that the word 'snow' can only be preceded by certain adjectives - and 'little', is quite definitely not one of them; it is taboo...However, 'loadsa', 'mountainsa', '1947-/'63-esque', and many others of a similar vein are all fine!
  7. While we're on about the weather, it's good to know that Afghans practise yoga, too:
  8. We've got some wee breaks up here, too; I was wondering (hoping against all the odds) that some convection might sneak in from the North Sea? Now it's all in the hands of the Goat Upstairs:
  9. It snowed last night, for quite a few hours, but overnight thawing and/or sublimation even robbed us of another snow-day...Roll on December!
  10. Pretty much f-all, so having to watch MoTD...Is an 'expected goal' the same as an 'expected snowfall'? PS: I did beat my granddaughter 4-1 on the Snowflake Spotting Challenge!
  11. Gordon Bennett! Trying to get snowflakes out of this, is like trying to get goals out of Emil Heskey and Roberto Soldado combined!
  12. Isn't that why it's called Hailsham? If it were meant to snow, it's be called 'Snowsham' wouldn't it?
  13. Reminds me of when I was wee, Mark: there was a defect in my bedroom windowpane; and, year after year, I tried to convince myself that it was a snowflake...So, I'll no' be wasting my time watching lampposts tonight. If there's ten foot of the 'white stuff' when I get up tomorrow then so be it... Otherwise, a wee bit of autodefenestration might be the order of the day!
  14. Absolutely zilch here, JJ. I have the feeling it's going to stay that way.
  15. For a minute there I though the flake-rate (SFR) might have exceeded the dizzy heights of 4-per-minute? Alas, it was not to be: back down to 1.78. Why do I bother!
  16. Bugger! That's only half of the Triangle of Doom. Talk about 'winning the Jackpot'!
  17. It all seems to ironic, doesn't it? If they forecast either thunder or snow, bugger-all happens. But, horrible, cold rain - Bob's your uncle!
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