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Everything posted by Uxbridge90

  1. Jeeze, 28.1c already in West London. Could hit 33c today at this rate.
  2. Humidity on the rise and very dark skies above, blobs of precipitation now popping up very quickly just North West of London.
  3. Another lovely Sunny day, temperature just hit 23.c and reached 23.4 yesterday - really has been a great few weeks. I see there's a warning out for torrential rain tomorrow, I'm really hoping this is for the East of the region and we're left with sunshine in West London - perfect post Friday work beers outside somewhere if it's anything like today!
  4. Wonder if it's worth staying up for the activity we might see this evening....
  5. Got up to 26.9c so far today, 27.1c yesterday. Think there will be a lot of happy people in the beer gardens come 5 pm tomorrow!
  6. Absolutely beautiful weather, hit 27.1 c yesterday and it's already 23.6c. Some of us certainly will be seeing 30c at some point in the next couple of days. Always keep an eye on the model output thread and was surprised to see someone rubbishing the temperatures being shown by the Met.
  7. Had a gust of 43mph at 10am and that scrawl was pretty nasty for 10 minutes or so at 8am - looks like we'll miss the worst of it fortunately.
  8. Current temp 1.8c, DP down to 0.5c and both falling. Looking good for later atm
  9. Grey, miserable and cold. At least with the clear skies a couple weeks back we got 5 or 6 hard frosts in a row. Currently 1.7c.
  10. Morning all Cloudy and cold here, current temp 1.2c. Surprisingly not feeling too bitter in the wind despite the low temps.
  11. Yes, looks likely, certainly too warm to snow in central and surburban London but surrounding areas might see something
  12. It's really gone dark here, you can see the light clouds in one direction but the other has extremely dark clouds, I imagine it's some of the stuff coming through on the radar.
  13. Well, it looks like all of us who missed out last night are getting some now which is nice! Looks like that's our lot though for the very near future.
  14. Nice to see a bit of the white stuff, should clear through in an hour
  15. Very light snow blowing in the wind, no chance of settling. Norfolk and Suffolk are going to get a huge dumping out of this I think
  16. It'll be with you soon, next 15-20 minutes. Won't accumulate too much and might even be a little warm for snow now, probably end up with a sleety mix.
  17. A real shame the temperatures are going up, current 1.9c Will fall as sleet at best in London and the surrounding areas, hopefully something better will come along in the next week or so.
  18. Certainly will but don't expect too much in the way of accumulations, looks quite weak and is passing through rather quickly, 30 minutes of very light snow tops. There is some heavier stuff but that's going more towards Suffolk
  19. As has mine but I'm not convinced, think they're covering themselves as it's around the rush hour
  20. Missed out on last night, just sleet for a little bit and now looks likely we'll miss it again in NW London.
  21. Looks quite for those in Suffolk and Kent, looks pretty weak towards it's Western side unfortunately
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