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Everything posted by Blazerblue

  1. We have actual rain! it's a tiny miracle and what looks like more to come, smells nice and fresh out there.
  2. Thanks, moved here from west midlands a few years ago, still not used to the winds we get here! Even though the radar is showing rain coming this way, still disappearing before it gets here, although it is quite dark and cloudy. Fingers crossed we get at least a bit of a storm later tonight.
  3. Hi, first post, but been reading for a while. Well as usual in the Lowestoft micro climate, no sign of storm yesterday, watched the radar as it crept closer, then lost hope as it fizzled out before it got to our little corner. Hoping we at least get some decent rain tonight, really need it round here, any significant rainfall always seems to go around us or die before it reaches us.
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