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Everything posted by Blazerblue

  1. Been a bright sunny day here, wind was a bit chilly first thing but that died down, so not a bad autumn day, even managed a cut of the grass in new house, ready for the move
  2. First hard frost of the autumn here, grass all white and car completely iced over but a lovely orange sunrise so hopefully a sunny day.
  3. Yep, day started cold but lovely and sunny, hail and lots of rain now....maybe some sleet later?
  4. Bit nippy this morning, but a clear bright start. Beeb saying heavy showers for tomorrow over here, not sure it will be cold enough for the rain to turn to sleet even though it says could be for north Norfolk coast
  5. Nice and bright and sunny this morning, looks to be a rash of showers making their way down the North Sea coast though, now if only it were colder, they might be snow showers.
  6. Well the rain didn’t amount to much and the sun is shining now, sounds like the wind is picking up too.
  7. Gloomy here this morning, humid too. And what’s with the rain coming towards us, don’t remember that being forecast.
  8. Yes, my windows were running wet first thing, thought it was because I’d left wet washing in basket to hang out this morning. Grass is still wet even now, which is a pain as I was going to give it the last cut for this year.
  9. Who stole the sun? Was lovely until half an hour ago, now it’s dark grey and gloomy again!
  10. Well it has warmed up a smidge now, but still very grey and windy.
  11. Grey, windy and piggin cold so far today! Resisting turning the heating on as supposedly it’s going to get warm this weekend.
  12. Taken at 20 minutes before sun up this morning, maybe we might get some decent spells of sunshine today, make a change from the cloudy yuk we’ve had for ages.
  13. Couple of bursts of sunshine today, otherwise still mostly cloudy but warming up, fingers crossed for a few more longer bright spells tomorrow
  14. Been so dull and gloomy, haven’t seen the sun for days. If it’s going to be warmer the next few days can it be at least sunny, I’d rather it was colder with sun, than dull and warm.
  15. Windy here this morning and just having a squall line come through, heavy rain with a bit of hail mixed into it.
  16. Silly o clock dog walk this morning just before the sun woke up, hasn’t broken through the cloud yet, looking gloomy today.
  17. Strange, still windy here but less so than earlier, since lunchtime turned very gloomy though.
  18. Definitely breezier here today, wasn’t too bad when I went out with dogs at 6 o’clock this morning, but picking up and rattling around the house now. But it’s blue skies and sunshine, so not too bad at all
  19. This winter will be the heaviest and longest lasting snowfall the ToD has ever seen, as I need to be driving country roads to get to the A12 twice daily to get my son to/from school in lowestoft.......put your bets on now
  20. Another sunny day here, chilly at first but warming up nicely now. Moving to Halesworth in a month or so, does that get me outside the ‘ triangle of doom ‘ area? My prediction for the first snow of the year here, the day I move! When I moved to Lowestoft in January 2013 it was in heavy snow all the way from Wolverhampton to Lowie, don’t think we’ve had snow here since! So guaranteed to be the same on next moving day
  21. Bright, sunny, warm but breezy here today, feels a bit humid too.
  22. Evening stroll with the dogs, just got as far from home as we were going when the heavens opened! Roads and paths running with water now.
  23. Umm nope, not rained here since I posted, drying up quickly now, weird as radar showing rain but definitely 'tis not
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