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Everything posted by StormLoser

  1. Heavy rain overnight (No storms but I am in my own high pressure zone as you know...lol). Weather warning out for....a sunny Sunday with the odd shower. Really? Back to the potting shed and a sherry in the greenhouse.
  2. Activity for Sunday looks rather west of the Portsmouth-north line right now. Looks like a 'West-Clipper' for tomorrow?
  3. I'm arriving late to the party today. Interesting line of nastiness (or goodness - depending on your viewpoint) creeping north over Portsmouth. Webcam shows quite a bit of what looks like elevated lightning. Could come my way! Woo hoo! The only problem is I need to be in bed shortly for an early holiday departure tomorrow. Sigh.
  4. I'm on my last legs waiting for this (insert swear word) storm to arrive from the Channel. It's nearly here. If anything special happens, I'll let you know tomorrow. G'night.
  5. Yes. But I do wish they'd turn the camera around a bit. Who wants to see a grotty pier?!!
  6. Flashes to the west of me, flashes to the right. Into the valley of nowt happening we go. More seriously, the matchsticks propping my eyes open are beginning to break... Come on storms.
  7. Nothing in Reigate. A little bit of rain and.....nothing else. Activity appears to be dying out as storms reach the south coast, too.
  8. The Vision-Environnement WWW.VISION-ENVIRONNEMENT.COM Visualisez en vidéo et en direct la webcam touristique de Saint-Germain-sur-Ay, localisée dans la région Normandie, France. web cam is showing a strong storm off the French coast!
  9. That's weird. This webcam shows nothing, and it's a Solent view! Solent View - Isle of Wight Webcams ISLEOFWIGHTWEBCAMS.CO.UK
  10. Nothing directly in Reigate. I'm glad my previous posts were proven wrong. But the Reigate Storm Shield is holding out and preventing anything here just yet. On the plus side, I have permission from my long suffering wife to wait up and see if anything turns up.
  11. Jersey webcam shows lightning firing every 5 seconds or so. Very active! Panorama Webcam WWW.PANORAMAJERSEY.COM
  12. A lot of activity heading to the Channel Islands. Here's a snap from Webcam de Saint-Germain-sur-Ay.
  13. I'm beginning to return to my original feelings from my first post this evening. This ain't looking good. Sorry, Harry.
  14. Oh good, it looks like I am completely wrong (as usual). Had a look in on Brest webcam to see one flash of lightning. Yes, it is kicking off and let's hope it's a good one.
  15. Thank you for encouraging me in my despondency. I trust the charts and you are correct!
  16. I'm feeling personally dubious about this forecast. But then again I have known to be wrong (constantly). I'm studying the data but...pressure's going UP on my barometer here (and no it's not hung upside down). The skies are drying and the French stuff will likely die in the Channel. That front is slow, broken and being dried out. To my mind it has that four-letter storm-watcher's swear word written all over it. You know the one: begins with 'B'. But I refuse to jinx this. Well, should stuff happen, good hunting folks. I would dearly love to be proven wrong.
  17. Here in sunny Reigate, our specially developed "Reigate Storm Shield" is in full action, keeping the storms away to day. The little blighters made an attack on the town from the east. However, the RSS forced the storms to veer south into nearby Crawley. Well, they are a rum bunch there, after all. Of course, should the Reigate Storm Shield fail, I'll file storm reports as normal.
  18. A cell has shot up east of Reigate, heading our way. The development was super fast. A pure disk of downpour on the radar. Should be interesting....
  19. Then again (looks at rain radar) I might be 100% incorrect. Ahem.
  20. I'm not altogether convinced about the forecasts, with the MO's Amber Warning, etc. There's nothing unusual about the rain coming out the Channel, and the convergence drift tends to be a slow northwards, dissipating. I'm reckoning the weak cold front across the middle of the UK will tilt and slide east. No doubt there will be showers and some very heavy rain, but I think most of us will miss it. Estofex has the majority of activity in northern France. OK, there we go. I put my foot in it so let's see how this will play out!
  21. Reigate is pretty much a bust. Rained this morning - much needed too. A few distant rumbles and that was it. Sun's out and it's a little cooler. No sign of anything coming our way for the rest of the day. Good luck to those in the action!
  22. Steady rain here which is brilliant for the garden. As the heavier mass approaches from the South, we're hearing occasional rumbles of thunder. Nothing more right now. Cat is unhappy!
  23. Thanks for the pics and videos! Stuff seems to be going up closer and closer to the SE and my general area. Perhaps I'll get lucky. The tumbleweed and cacti need some rain.
  24. Looks like a weak trough drifting in from the SW. Might get some rain if we're lucky. Our tumbleweed is drying out...
  25. Let's hope not! Watch as any developments split to go either side of Reigate. That's what always happens for me!
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