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Posts posted by StormLoser

  1. I was watching the Southampton web cam and look what happened!  Watch from the top left.      (Sorry for the delay getting this here - techie struggles).  

    Is this ball lightning? It can't be a meteor because cloud covers the sky behind it. The path wavers, and it goes behind a cloud! All associated with a giant lightning outburst.

    I can't see anything in the foreground to cause the phenomenon, nor does it look like an insect.

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  2. Hmm as I thought, most of this is in the west country. Our Yellow Warning of Rain ended up being a ten minute shower at 12:30am.

    I'm not sure how the rest of the night will turn out, but I think the South East will miss most of the forecast bad weather. I can't quite get my head around why the MO forecast heavy rain for 5-6am, here. There's nothing out there to head this way! There's not even a squall line to deliver it.

    Even their pressure charts don't forecast it. Mighty puzzled.

    But it is very gusty now.

  3. Judging by the progress of the system, it looks like the bulk of the "severe" weather forecast (i.e. rain) will be over the west country, with a tendency to decrease to a few heavy showers from around Basingstoke eastwards.

    An increasing slope of higher pressure and dryer airmasses to the east are going to knobble the system. We'll still get some, but not as much as the west by a long way.

    My barometer flattened out about an hour ago and it's not doing the "bottoms dropped out of the barometer, Jim!" thing.   Hmph.  Enjoy the show, folks!

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  4. Just had a small cell start and build a little south of my location. I watched it from the garden. It's drifting south east and might turn into something.  But generally it appears too dry this far west of the active area. It wants to go, but hasn't the fuel.

    Oh - wait. Something starting up to the north-west of Reigate.  Perhaps our area may be showing signs of developing now?

  5. Interesting forecast from Nick Finnis. The Met Office appears to be awake, too (surprisingly). However, Estofex remains silent.

    So...I don't want to get my hopes up for here yet, but it would be good to see some action  

    At the moment the skies are clear in Reigate with a touch of high-level cloud building.  We've had 32c the last couple of days, which is somehow different to the forecast 32c in the Met Office's Amber Warning area. Ermmm....  

    Happy hunting folks. I'll let you know how it progresses here in my stationary storm watching emporium.

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  6. Well, we have a sort of reverse Kent Clipper in progress!  It looked potentially good here in Reigate up to around 1:00pm when it cleared from the north west. There's towering cumulus here and there.

    There's a kind of line forming NW to SE, and I wonder if the north end might drift south. It will be interesting to watch.

    But someone somewhere must be having a good storm under those echoes.

  7. My Reigate cell was active for a while. It's a wobbly squall line on the convergence and the activity is moving slowly from north-east to south-west down the line, while the convergence is holding position. It may drift NW eventually. I am not sure if it will back build. Not a lot of definition in the clouds - just grey and wet.

    A couple of nice CG strikes, one definitely a positive. (The one that would have woken our daughter up in her work place...).

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