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Everything posted by scotty_boy_winter

  1. Jethro, AGW is proven and has been proven for years! Anyone with an ounce of meteorogical and physics knowledge knows this! Billions of pounds of investment, hundreds of scientists and tens of countries politicians trying to change our carbon print must tell you this! Your arguing against this planets elite scientists! This forum cannot move forward until you except this very basic argument! The argument should now be "what does the warming mean for the planet?" "how do we adapt"
  2. BFTV! Finally someone that speaks some sense! This board is so frustrating, you have to sift through so much rubbish, it's good to have you on here to bring some realism back!!
  3. Dont mislead people, we have records dating back to the 1700's that is 3011 years so not on absolute record but youd have to be an absolutely incredible spinster to not conclude we are in unprecedented times. Our planet is in danger and denialist attitudes like yours are only going to harm us all. As a world we need to pull together to help ourselves
  4. To be fair, summer weather i'n general has less interest to most board members, so maybe it's a case of the big guns prioritising their time on other hobbies mushy? It's just a case of suffering through these charts until October, it's not long now mate
  5. Hi guys new to the forum, I have no scientific background and no knowledge just a fascination with the weather and science! i just want the experts thoughts on the findings that the oil spill has since the 12th of june until now slowed the gulf loop current, most mainstream scientists expect the current to sort itself out pretty soon but as we have no comparable disaster there are worries we can not be so sure. It is thought the stalling has effected the gulf stream and is a big player in the pakistan and china floods as the gulf stream has gone further south and changed shape since the 12th of june. could this effect our climate leading into winter and beyond???? Here is a supporting link...... http://yowusa.com/earth/2010/earth-0810-01a/1.shtm
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