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Everything posted by Hiya

  1. Is anyone else finding netweather 7/10 day forecasts a bit inaccurate these days or is it just me? It does actually look that bad I agree.
  2. Well this LP goes from Svalbard to Morocco with the centre at 940 mB, if it went from Iceland to Ireland, say sandwiched in with a high pressure somewhere then you'd get a huge gradient, tight isobars, and we end up in Denmark or Norway! I'm sure someone will explain it better than me!
  3. There isn't much of a pressure gradient actually. Fortunately!
  4. Doubling of carbon dioxide concentration requires quantification. 2 to 4 ppm? 200 to 400 ppm?
  5. Especially considering we knew days ago that the worst of the winds would be at rush hour.
  6. Well I've just had a wee lie in thanks to the Tay bridge being closed.
  7. Maybe this time the bridge will close before I get to work!
  8. I switched from using ethanol in my homemade screenwash to methanol, you need a lower percentage for the same freezing point and it gets rid of the salt stains off the windscreen better. Plus you don't get that wiff of jakie every time you hit the screenwash.
  9. I was near Kinross when the precipitation arrived and it was falling as snow, then heading back to Cupar it changed to sleet
  10. I think it is a Garden Spider. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=garden+spider&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=mPVXUpeFKomN0AWo44DwCQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=907&dpr=1
  11. Scrape the car in the morning, shorts and t-shirt in the afternoon kind of weather!
  12. Is it my imagination or does 5C feel a lot colding in September than in April? I dislike this. You should see the road to St Andrews on a holiday weekend or sunny day, can take 20 minutes just to get from my house to outside Cupar.
  13. 28C at Leuchars and Dundee now, getting close to the Dundee record.
  14. Stunning drop in temperature as the wind swung to east with thick smoke like clouds rolling in. Frankly I'm glad, it was too warm for me.
  15. Can confirm after my drive from London to Fife last week that buttercups abound in Englandshire too.
  16. I am pretty sure I saw this same cloud at about 10 this morning and thought it looked a little angelic.
  17. On a purely experimental scientific basis, which I am suitably qualified to comment on...I am highly sceptical that such measurements are accurate in extreme localities. You would need to measure for a very long time. It strikes me that there are so many errors introduced into the measurement it would be very hard to verify. You could just as easily be measuring the sea bed rising due to plate shift for example, or increased run off from the land. I also think the "catch up" probably doesn't take very long, days at the longest.Probably if there is a paper attached to this it is worded in such a cautious way and this is likely yet another example of tentitive scientific result reported as hard fact by the media.
  18. Quoting a percentage increase in acidity did make me raise an eyebrow. This isn't normal scientific practice, but since pH is a log scale it doesn't lend itself to pin up headline numbers, in addition they probably want things to increase rather than decrease for PR reasons. "35% increase in acidity" is just so much more sellable to the public than "a decrease in pH from [ca] pH 8.2 to pH 8.05".
  19. Is it really possible for sea level to rise is one specific place?
  20. Snow drifts to sand drifts, Scotland, full of surprises.
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