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Everything posted by Hiya

  1. Any pictures? There is one specific mile or so of fields I sometimes pass on my way to Dundee which often has blown soil, might go for a look. Didn't think it was that windy! Hopefully it dies back towards hometime.
  2. In my opinion this is really bad scientific practice. They have a theory, then they make predictions based on that theory. In any science theories change as you get more results, you modify your predictions accordingly. Once your theory and predictions come into line you publish. They are doing this out of sequence. They should keep their predictions to themselves. They lose faith from the public because they drastically change their tune in a short time (and amongst scientists from other disciplines, your understanding of a situation is on a loose peg if your predictions swing 180degrees in just a few years.) They should keep their predictions to themselves.
  3. The anomoly over Britain looks a little on the high side assuming it is for surface temperature.
  4. Snow pellets in Cupar at 8am, light covering, and 6pm, bit wet.
  5. Max temperature at Leuchars today was a balmy 2.6C. It just keeps going, remarkable.
  6. Can report snaw and sleet in Fife. I want to go outside in the sunshine now please
  7. Probably the same person who tells them there might be sleet at -5C.
  8. Although I don't know if this is a fact or not might a rise in global temperatures have increased food production in said areas in the first place?
  9. I can't seem to find the Scottish temperature series on the Met Office website. Anyone got any info on how March faired?
  10. Hard frost here with the windows iced over, anything which falls out the sky will be sticking.
  11. I nearly threw something at the telly when they started going on about "sleet and snow showers." Who are they kidding about sleet I haven't seen any sleet for 2 weeks!
  12. There's a surprise, convection kicks in just when everyone goes back to work!
  13. I went for a walk, very impressive wind chill and a very dramatic snow line at about 70m asl, I will see if I can upload a picture. I'm starting to get a bit fed up with this winter, no real snow fall, a lot of near misses, a lot of bad driving conditions caused by piddley little snow icing over and now no spring. I was just thinking about this this morning actually, I remember years ago before the return to colder winters complete depression on the model thread in mid-February when there was no cold on the gfs before the end of the month because "you can't get any proper snow in England after the last week of February." Oh how things have changed.
  14. My east facing windows are very salty this morning!
  15. Constant light snow or snow pellets coming in off the sea this morning giving a thin covering, IF proper convection starts later in a straight east wind without influence from the front I'd be confident of a decent covering. I've a few articles about how a lot farmers in the UK are struggling with conditions in the last year. Surely a delayed spring is risking turning this into a crisis come the autumn when yields are down and food prices rocket. When is the latest you could sow cereal crops?
  16. Temperature has dropped away here allowing ice to rapidly form on all surfaces. Any snow now will stick and the roads will be mental tomorrow *sigh* the only downside.
  17. Seem to be lacking a touch of coldness to make it really accumulate in Cupar...
  18. I think and hope we'll see a red warning tomorrow morning, it could prevent a lot of accidents and hassle tomorrow morning with people trying to get to work.
  19. Very wet snow in Dundee, surprisingly early I thought.
  20. If you make a well publicised prediction and it doesn't hold true you can't blame people, especially laymen, for pointing it out.
  21. To be fair north east Fife ground to a halt yesterday morning because of 3cm of snow.
  22. Very heavy falls of snow pellets here this morning but the temperature is too high, drip drip drip!
  23. I actually think that would be much much worse for humanity than if warming continued at the current rate, but it isn't given much thought generally.
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