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Astral Goat Juice

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Everything posted by Astral Goat Juice

  1. Its statutory law. We have just had the course on this, and employers will have to pay you for the 14 days in full. This is coming directly from the Governments mouth.
  2. But they are entitled to full pay. Its statutory,the Government has advised you to self isolate for 14 days. Those on zero hour contracts, you'll all be getting new ones come April anyways, so you will be entitled to a lot more.
  3. Employers have no choice. If you phone 111 and say you think you have the coronavirus, they will advise you to self isolate. You do this for 14 days. At the end of your 14 days you go back to work,you didnt have the Coronavirus and you wasnt therefore sick, you just complied with statutory government advice and your employer will have to pay you in FULL.
  4. Thanks for that Graphic, interesting to note it was pretty much business as usual for the majority of the UK.
  5. Yep, it's highly infectious, and I would expect to see those numbers greatly increase over the coming 10 days or so. There will come a point where the numbers will begin to fall, but for now they will only increase around the world. I would expect the r0 to be around 3.8-4.6.
  6. We calculated at one point a MR of 69% but I will stress it's fruitless at this time to do so as the data is scarce and wholly inaccurate.
  7. As I understand the Coronavirus family is made up of RNA and not DNA. I believe recombination would only occur in a DNA structured virus. You are correct, the common cold is part of the COVs family.
  8. I don't think it was ever a question of IF we would see the virus in the UK, but certainly a WHEN. I know that the sequencing of the genome in the United States has show zero mutations crossing from China, so that's good news at least. The authorities will now have a large job on hand to trace and quarantine potential infectious people.
  9. I would assume so, but it's always dangerous to assume. So until we have more credible facts, I cannot say. Lets hope the Health Team in charge can do a good job at contact tracing.
  10. It appears the two suspected cases were originally from York, but have been moved to Newcastle NHS to be treated. God speed with the pair of them,
  11. Indeed - Sometimes it's difficult to pick up on a certain emotion via a message board! My bad...
  12. Not true. There have been several cases of fit and healthy young men succumbing to the virus in China.
  13. I don't know when the information about them being Chinese or in South Wales will be public knowledge, but this was known (suspected) 2-3 days ago. They got them in isolation fairly quickly, but I'll be very surprised if they have not passed it onto others.
  14. No, I'm pretty certain these are two Chinese from South Wales.
  15. Since when is a volcanic eruption the same as an earthquake?
  16. Iowa yesterday.... Wet Hair Meets Cold Air. https://i.imgur.com/tTBwGBX.gifv
  17. As much as i'd love it. Not a chance. It will split up and go back over Ireland.
  18. Tomorrow? That's for 4th Feb. Albeit Man Airport going for a few snow showers tomorrow.
  19. Aye, it will pull it more South, Anyways, I don't think any of our region will get anything decent today, which is a shame, but onwards and upwards.
  20. Yep. Looks a bit dud darn sarf. Euro4 is usually spot on at this range. It's been quite impressive lately especially with today's snow up North. Midlands and Wales sweet spots.
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