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Everything posted by Swansonson69

  1. Congrats to you and all those who got those storms, impressive structure and very dark as well.
  2. It's awesome to see everyone's pics from today, very great captures.
  3. The sun keeps trying to break through as it's raining, the front has almost past here now. I say about half an hour and it's gone.
  4. Looks like the sun is trying to break through here. Definitely is brightening up here in Retford.
  5. Its weird for me because I'm in the slight but at the same time I'm not. I'm in Nottinghamshire which is in the slight but the town im in is just outside the slight. I know confusing lol.
  6. I agree, been a long time since I've seen skies like on the video and what I saw today. Saw some nice cloud tops as well. I also saw an anvil as well.
  7. I can see all those cells from Redford, beautiful cloud tops, no anvils though. What CAPE levels are we talking about tomorrow?
  8. For the first time since the storm season has begun there's no activity in the north east Midlands when there's a chance of something. Been a nice pleasant summery day.
  9. True, its very eerily silent and still here in Retford (North east Midlands)
  10. I don't know, nothing showing on the netweather radar near Southampton or around it. Can you link the lightening map?
  11. I see some pretty potent sells on the radar. Most potent being South West.
  12. That looks like a great storm, got nice structure. It's like I'm looking at a storm from the USA.
  13. They look intense. Very torrential rain and a lot of electrical activity.
  14. If there's anyone on the Kent coast, can you see those big storms?
  15. Much needed heavy rain on its way here, grass and stuff is brown.
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