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Zak M

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Everything posted by Zak M

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q092I9ItM_M&t Thunderstorm from last night.
  2. Can still see lightning and hear some thunder from western Cambridge. If you know my YouTube channel, be prepared. You don't know how many lightning strikes I've got on video.
  3. Heavy shower forming to my west. I can see it in the distance just behind a couple of trees and the development looks scary.
  4. Don't know why convection is starting to pick up just now. Big CB forming to my north.
  5. Some decent thunderstorms over Ireland currently. Hope that those storms travel to the UK this evening.
  6. Looks like next weekend will be a decent time for storm chasers in the UK then. They could be seeing their first proper storm outbreak this year.
  7. Good luck to anyone who lives on the south coast of Kent. Those heavy showers will turn into thunderstorms very soon I suppose.
  8. I said in a thread once that where I live is getting pretty storm starved - although I said that too early. My location has seen 3 thunderstorms this year and I think I've been quite lucky. Some places have seen more storms and some have seen fewer - and some have not seen any at all. I remember on this week last year we got some pretty torrential thunderstorms. For the first five months this year none of us have really seen a severe/torrential thunderstorm, except the one that Hull got around a month ago. I'm not certain about what this year will bring. It kinda looks like the storm season will start to take off at around late June/early July, although I can't be too sure, because the weather is full of surprises. It looks like next week we could see some thunderstorms, although I said that last week and over a space of three days only 2 thunderstorms were recorded over the UK. I really hope we get a Spanish plume soon.
  9. Rain was forecasted for my area today. Haven't had a drop yet
  10. Just when I thought a thunderstorm could do for the rest of the day, this beauty arrives
  11. Had a very nice thunderstorm today with some good lightning and cracks of thunder. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJslzbjO-yM&t
  12. I also managed to capture the cumulonimbus cloud north of Bedford 10 minutes before it started producing lightning.
  13. Same man, would love to see what the next few months brings.
  14. THUNDER!!! Heard some rumbles of thunder and got some of it on video too
  15. Tall clouds are building to the north of my location and some decent rain ahead of it, still no lightning activity though
  16. Does anyone know when exactly lightning activity will start over East Anglia?
  17. Looks like East Anglia could see their first proper storms today.
  18. Anyone else notice that weird thunderstorm between Northern Ireland and Scotland? Looks like there's some heavy precipitation in that storm.
  19. Looks like some parts of Bedfordshire are going to reach wind gusts of over 60mph tonight.
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