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Everything posted by Harry233

  1. for me locally January 2019 - Sunniest on record for me. Not especially cold but did have a notable cold snap. February 2013 - Third coldest in 20 years generally cold and sunny the whole month, very little snow or rain. March 2020 - Can’t think of any other March’s that were cold and sunny. March 2020 wasn’t especially cold nor sunny but do remember it being cold and sunny just before lockdown. April 2021 - First April I’ve recorded that had a average minimum below freezing, second sunniest on record as well. 18 air frosts I recorded that month. That’s six more than a typical January. Maxima was only a little below average but with many, many very frosty mornings it’s very noticeable as a cold and sunny month. May 2010 - Did have a very warm spell but prior to that it was often quite cool, particularly in the first week. Lots of sunshine during the month. June ??? - Can’t think of a cool and sunny June in the last 20/25 years or so for Scotland. July 2000 - Again grasping at straws but from memory it was often very cool in the first half but dull. The second half was very sunny though. Not got many memories of that month but I do think it was one of the sunniest Julys in Scotland. August 2007 - Coming after a very poor July, august felt like a really good summer month even though it was cool, felt like early May much of time. Very sunny and quite dry though. September 2012 - Definitely the coolest September for temperatures I can think of. Mainly around the low teens for most of the month. Many cold mornings with some frost. October 2003 - Very dry but often very cool and sunny. Felt like late winter. November 2013 - probably one of the frostiest months I can remember. Very sunny most days and very crisp. December 2022 - temperature didn’t rise above 0.C for a week between the 9th-16th. Sunshine in abundance all month. Other than June have some memories of weather like that for all months.
  2. Summer 2021 I think across the west of Scotland anyway was the hottest summer on record. Further east it was still warmer than average but it was quite a easterly summer I remember so it would’ve been at times foggy and cool on the east coast, particularly in July. For me locally the summers of 2003, 2006, 2013, 2018 and 2022 were all warmer than 2021. It was more a summer of slightly warmer than average temperatures all the time rather than any prolonged very hot weather. The middle of July and end of august had some hot weather but aside from that it was just warm and sunny.
  3. 2020 - Probably the worst august weather I’ve seen and that’s saying something cause august is usually pretty poor here Must’ve been at least 4-5 days of solid rain and maximum temperatures around 13/14.C. 2018 - On the 25th the minimum was 3.4.C, coldest August night I’ve recorded locally and probably the coldest since 1986. A maximum of just 12.C on the 26th. 2012 - A minimum of 3.9.C on the 31st. 2003 - A cool last week after it being very warm for the rest of the month. The last week of august 2021 had to be some of the best late august weather I’d seen. In central Scotland it was absolutely glorious. Mid 20’s not a cloud in the sky and a nice gentle breeze. Amazing how further south and east it was terrible.
  4. I remember June generally being wet and unsettled but generally muggy. A few nice days here and there. July was generally cool and cloudy but it was rather dry which was unusual. It turned quite warm and sunny for the months close. August I remember being very warm but also very wet. I remember many floods locally around the 9th-12th. Aberfeldy was very badly effected from memory and was almost completely cut off. There was a few landslides along the A9 and around Perth. It was also then I recorded the warmest night recorded for my area at 19.2.C. Still yet to be beat. The end of august was quite pleasant from memory. A unforgettable but also a strange summer.
  5. I though 2014 was a good summer despite the poor august. July certainly was probably one of the best for me locally. My average high was 22.1.C which is 2.C higher than average. It was also the sunniest July I’ve recorded beating 2006, 2013 and 2018. I have lots of good memories from that summer. I definitely agree with summer 2020 being poor. Definitely was at least for the north, think it was a better summer further south though, we missed out on a lot of the heat. Highest I reached was only 26.C which is still reasonable for my area but you’d hope for a 27/28.C.
  6. 2002 - July was the coldest locally for me since 1988 and there was a cooler one until 2012. June and august were both quite warm but a very wet and dull summer. 2004 - June was wet, July was however rather dry but quite cool and dull. August was exceptionally wet but was a very warm month. A wet and dull summer but a rather warm one 2007 - June and July were both very wet and dull. July was also rather cool, august was cool but wasn’t too wet and it was a bit sunnier than average but a very poor summer nonetheless. 2011 - June was wet and cool, July was the same but respectable in terms of sunshine, August was horrendous. 2020 - June was wet and dull but again was rather warm. July was generally cool and wet and the second half of august is probably one of the worst summer spells I can remember.
  7. I really hope we never get another year like 2002 again.
  8. I remember autumn 2007 being quite good. Recall some very good weather in the first half of September and most of October was rather dry and sunny.
  9. Best overall year - 2009: Remember January and February being rather cold but often dry and sunny with some lovely crisp frosty mornings. March had a wintry easterly start but then turned into glorious pleasant spring sunshine. April was often warm and sunny and May had a very warm and summery finish after a rather wet start. Summer 2009 I have some very good memories from the weather despite it getting a bad rep I think for Scotland it was one of the best summers. June was generally warm and sunny and I think from the 22nd it was consistently clear and in the mid/high 20’s. July was very wet but unlike other wet summers months the rain was rarely prolonged. I remember the weather almost always starting warm and sunny and this would follow with a very heavy downpour or thunderstorm in the afternoon before then clearing up and becoming warm and sunny once again in the evening. August was a little bit more unsettled but there was still plenty warm sunny days thrown in. September was generally quite warm and sunny from what I remember so summer extended a little bit. October was a pretty boring month from memory. November I remember being very wet and windy throughout then to finish off with that very cold and snowy December. A brilliant year for weather. Worst overall year - 2002: A horrible mild, wet and windy winter. Spring was very boring weather wise mainly overcast only recall the last week of March being sunny. Wet and humid May. Summer was very disappointing that year especially in July with its very cool feeling. June and august were at least slightly warmer albeit humid. September was the only decent month I can remember that year. October and November were just yucky mild, wet and windy Atlantic weather and December was very very dull. Terrible year for weather 2003 and 2006 also deserve a mention due to their very good summers.
  10. I 100% agree with you there. May 2018 was also a excellent month in terms of sunshine and warmth. Imagine if May and august were reversed it would probably be one of the best summers in living memory.
  11. July 2013 was a brilliant summer month. Coming off the back of a cold spring and a run of very poor summers even by Scotland’s standard. It was most definitely welcome. That was the first summer in a few years where we didn’t fly abroad until the autumn. June 2013 was a pretty average month no warmth just average temperatures but it was dry. Certainly at the time after the cold spring it felt like a very good June and especially after how bad June 2012 was. I remember the first two days of July 2013 being cool and wet but after that the month was brilliant, very warm and sunny days. I spent virtually the whole month outside. The thundery breakdown around the 23rd was also a welcome relief and even during the last week where it was unsettled there was still plenty of sunshine between the thundery showers. August 2013 was also very dry for me I only recorded a third of my usual rainfall. Definitely a summer to remember.
  12. My hometown recording the warmest temperature in July that year.
  13. One summer that I believe gets a very bad rep but I actually think was quite a underrated summer was 2009. A wet but an often warm and sunny summer from memory for me. I remember June 2009 starting very warm and sunny coming off the back of a warm spell at the end of May with temperatures into the mid 20’s it then quickly became unsettled and for a time very cool and wet before getting warmer around the 9th. The month up until about the 22nd was rather unsettled but there was some very good sunny days in that period albeit not being especially warm. From the 22nd the month was very warm and sunny once again but rather humid. The met office at the time predicting a very good summer. The heat continued into the first week of July with my area in central Scotland nearly reaching 30.c on the 2nd July. The weather broke down by about the 6th and I remember July being a very unusual month with there being plenty sunny and dry weather during the mornings followed by a torrential downpour most afternoons before a warm and sunny evening virtually every day. If I hadn’t of been for the downpours July 2009 for me would’ve ended up probably the second best July of the 2000’s. There was then more heavy showers and less of a sunny feel for August but there was still plenty of useable days thrown in between the heavy rain days. It will definitely be interesting to hear different opinions as I think it was a very different summer depending on where in the UK. Northern Scotland 2009 looked at being one of the best summers on record. Certainly for me being in central Scotland I would say it was a decent summer, not as good as 2003 or 2006 but if I hadn’t been for the rain it would’ve probably been nearly as good. However for wales and south west I could imagine it was a very poor summer.
  14. May 2017 was a big north south divide from what I can remember. I remember watching a weather forecast I think it must’ve been on the 3rd or 4th with maxima around 9/10.C in the south east but it was nearly 20.C in most of Scotland bar the east coast at the time.
  15. I’m too young to remember 1992 but it doesn’t seem as impressive as 2018 or 2020. I think for me 2018 beats 2020. I think May 2018 was a better month in the north and west. I recall virtually every day from about the 5th being warm, dry and sunny only a brief cool wet day on the 9th made any change. It turned very warm around the end of the month with 25-26.C occurring for me on several days. May 2020 was another fantastic month but I think it probably felt a bit worse purely cause of the coronavirus lockdown at the time. I can remember lots of nice days during it but then I do also remember a few cold snaps during the month as well. I don’t recall much in the way of very warm weather until the end of the month whereas 2018 had warm days throughout.
  16. Probably the second most boring year of the 2010’s after 2011. Winter 2016/17 - was a constant stream of mild, dry, windy weather. Only very brief cold snaps and the only snow I can remember at all was around the 14th January. Wet come February and storm Doris (I think it was named at the time) just brought a brief sleet shower in the morning followed by heavy rain and strong winds. Spring: Now if it hadn’t been for the spring it truly would’ve been a depressing and boring year weather wise. March started off poor but it improved as the month went on. It turned very mild and sunny near the end with some very high temperatures by day but also some crisp frosty nights. April had a very good start with lots of mild and sunny weather and it was exceptionally dry I only recorded 4mm of rain all month. It turned cool after midmonth and I can remember some very cold days around the 24th-27th. Although the mild weather returned for the months close. May was a brilliant month. The first 12 days was virtually unbroken sunshine, no rain and high teens/low 20’s temperatures. It turned quite unsettled for a few days for a week after but then it settled down by the 21st and got very warm, I reached just shy of 28.C on the 26th which turned out to be the warmest day of the year. There was also a cracking thunderstorm on the 27th before the closing days cooled off but remained settled. Summer: Definitely one of the worst ones of the decade, not as bad as 2012 but probably second worst. June was very wet and dull however it was a muggy month from memory I can remember a lot of stuffy nights despite the daytime temperatures being bang on average all the time. There was a very brief spell of settled weather midmonth but after that it just remained dull and wet. It turned very cool in the closing days as well. July had an unsettled start and remained cool. It improved somewhat from about the 11th and there was some nice, warm days during that spell but still a lot of unsettled and cool weather. August was a dire month, very cool, wet and dull. The hottest it reached all month was just 22.C very disappointing. Autumn: September was just a complete borefest, there was nothing of any excitement at all, didn’t exceed 20.c at all, no prolonged rain, no strong winds, no heatwaves, just constant unsettled, showery, cool weather but somehow the month ended up exactly average. October was exceptionally mild, dry but quite dull and on the 16th there was the orange sky and around that time I recall it being exceptionally mild for the time of year about 19/20.C. There was a short cold snap at the end from memory too. November was quite a cold and sunny month from memory, very cold at the end but very mild and unsettled at the start. And December seemed to follow a similar pattern, I remember it being exceptionally mild just before Christmas but then a cold snap straight after.
  17. Yeah a year to forget imo as well. In my mind what sticks out. January: Continued exceptionally cold from that extraordinary December. A few days of snow but nothing too major. A milder interlude followed midmonth with a slight thaw but temperature still struggled. Turned colder and snowy again towards the end. February: A horrible depressing month, mild, wet and very dull. Nearly on par with 2002. Can’t recall any good from the month. 7/8.c maxima a 2/3.C minima pretty much the whole month. Only a couple of frosts. March: Quite mild and sunny but unsettled. There was a quite a notable snowy spell I think maybe the weekend of the 12/13th but not too sure. Other than that just a slightly better than average March. April: A phenomenal month. Very warm, dry and sunny for the vast majority. The average maxima for me was 16.6.C compared to 2007’s 16.1.C so even warmer. Most days with beautiful warm sunshine but still with cool enough nights. Only brief cooler/wetter spells that last only one or two days at a time. May: Unsettled month, record breaking wet for western Scotland. However I only recorded slightly above average rain, quite sunny as well but unsettled. A few days of warm sunshine would always finish with a wet and cool spell. Notable gale on the 23rd. Brought down some trees in Perth. June: Unsettled and rather cool, the month started very warm and settled with temperatures in the mid 20’s. Rest of the month was pretty cool and wet with the occasional warmer and drier day thrown in. Some very cool nights around the middle of the month. Did improve in the last week with some warm, sunny weather. July: Another unsettled month but like June had a very good start and finish with unsettled weather in between. Wet for the most part but quite sunny, notable very wet days on the 6th and 15th which brought some really bad flooding to Perth. Cool nights were very notable during this month too. August: Dismal, cold, wet and dull rounded off a poor summer. Very little in the way of sunshine or warmth at all. September: A good month at last, quite warm and settled but still with some heavy rain from time to time. Notable warm spell in the closing days which brought the warmest day of 2011 to me on the 30th. October: Very Mild and quite dull but not especially wet. Only very wet at the start. November: Exceptionally mild otherwise unremarkable. December: Very stormy, mild and wet. Most notable for hurricane bawbag on the 8th. Caused a fair bit of destruction. Not a year to remember unfortunately
  18. January: Pretty unremarkable for most the month. Do remember it being very snowy at the end though. February: Very mild in the first half but cold and snowy in the second. March: Can’t remember so must’ve been a very average month. April: Warm but very dull, quite a humid month from memory don’t think it was particularly wet though. May: Very good, quite warm and sunny for the vast majority of the month. Some lovely weather in the middle part. June: Wet and unsettled though warm July: Quite unusual it was cool and dull for most of the month but I remember it being very dry. Warmer and sunnier in the last week. August: Very wet but also very warm. I don’t think there’s ever been a more humid month that I can remember. Some very warm weather at the start and then exceptionally wet and thundery around the 7th-12th. Can remember a landslide at the A9 about the 9th and many villages in Perthshire being cut off with flooding. We lived near a stream by a park and I remember the water being right up to the bridge walkway. Don’t think Perth got flooded then but then I may be wrong. Got considerably cooler towards the end of the month. September: Seemed very sunny, a few warm days thrown in. Cold at the end. October: Wet and dull November: Mild otherwise unremarkable December: Not much but do remember a white Christmas. a pretty forgettable year minus the August and May
  19. Oh yes. I actually forgot about 2007, still no summer could compare to 2012.
  20. I remember that spell of weather really well. It was an absolute glorious spell. Think the heat started properly for us on the 25th March with a high of 20.2.C but even before then we had plenty sunny and dry days with maximum temperature regularly in the low/mid teens. The heat peaked on the 27th with a high of 21.7.C. I remember being out and everyone sunbathing and remember one woman saying how “this is the start of the summer” it then transformed into the complete opposite in a flash. The 3rd of April brought some really heavy snow and it was only 2.C maximum with a biting wind. The rest of April was extremely cool and wet I can’t recall any days where it was warm or sunny it was always very showery with hail and windy. With the odd bit of brightness. May continued the same for the most part but did improve with a glorious warm spell at the end. That summer will go down as probably the worst ever and I hope we never get another summer that bad again, constant dull, wet and at times even cold weather. It wasn’t until about the middle of august where we got some resemblance of summer with a couple of warm dry days in the 20’s in a row. I do remember September that year being very nice but cold. I always think that any good spring weather for a long time transforms into a poor summer. 2011, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2020 all had prolonged, warm, settled weather and all gave a poor summer. Whereas colder springs such as 2013 and 2021 have given glorious summers.
  21. Late March, early April 2012 was a good example of that. Maximum’s for me those days 25th March: 20.2.C 26th March: 21.0.C 27th March: 21.7.C 28th March: 20.4.C 29th March: 17.1.C 30th March: 14.6.C 31st March: 10.4.C 1st April: 16.1.C 2nd April: 7.2.C 3rd April: 2.8.C Was a massive turnaround
  22. How do you go about making graphs/climate data like that if you don’t mind me asking?
  23. January: Mild start, before coming colder and frostier until midmonth. Very mild and wet second half with virtually no frost. Max: 16.C, min: -8.C February: To continue very mild but with high pressure bringing some sunny days (similar to 2008) before a northerly blast around Valentine’s Day to continue the rest of the month. Occasional snowy days. Max: 15.C, min: -14.C March: A cold start, settled in the south but very snowy in the north and widespread low -10.C temps. A big area of low pressure bringing very heavy rain to all areas from the 7th and this brings a rapid thaw in the north with flooding. The rest of the month non descript, occasional sunny and mild day intercepted by a cold, wet day. Max: 18.C, min: -14.C. April: Very warm but wet, unlike March no cold spells and very little frost. Generally unsettled however with a couple of very warm spells ending in big thundery downpour's. Max: 26.C, min: 0.C. May: A warm and thundery start, before a northerly blast from the 4th brings some cold, frost but dry and sunny weather. Last 10 days become warm and sunny in most areas with occasional heavy showers. Max: 26.C, min: -3.C. June: A fairly non- descript start, quite cloudy, occasional sunnier day high teens/low 20’s temps. Becoming hotter from the 11th. Peaking on the 15th, thundery downpours in the north from the 19th-22nd but the south remains dry and sunny. Last week being like the start with no real summery weather. Max: 33.C, min: 2.C. July: A very dry month, one of the driest in the last 100 years, quite warm in the north but cool in the south although with a very warm spell from the 17th-25th. This brings some very localised thundery downpours but most areas miss them. Potentially record breaking heat in Scotland during the 17th-25th peaking at 34.C in Perthshire or the central belt. 37.C in the London area. Max: 37.C, min: 3.C August: A very wet first week will give way to a mainly dry rest of the month. Flooding in most areas on the 4th. The rest of the month being distinctly average. Bar a brief hot spell around the 20th. A cold end to the month, especially at night. Max: 30.C, min: -1.C. September: Quite warm and wet. A month of two halves. With a warm, dry and sunny first half, wetter second half but no cold weather until the closing days. Max: 29.C, min: 0.C. October: Wet start, a warm spell in the second week as a late Indian summer and a cold and anticyclone mix second half. Max: 26.C, min: -6.C November: Anticyclonic month, generally very cold and sunny. Snowy in the last week, many cold days. Max: 13.C, min: -12.C. December: Cold and snowy in the north. Mild and wet in the south. Cold snap country wide from Boxing Day almost beating 1995. Max: 15.C, min: -26.C
  24. What I find most unusual about 2021 is the south had a really dismal summer but for Scotland it was one of the best summers in the last 100 years.
  25. I have to say 2021 will probably be one of the most interesting years for me weather wise. Plenty interesting weather but nothing too extreme. The winter was definitely one of the better ones. It was mostly cold and frosty with two main snowy spells. January began very cold with lots of sunny frosty weather. It got very briefly mild before becoming very snowy on the 14th. The rest of the month after that was generally quite cold and sunny. February began quite mild but turned exceptionally wintry from the 8th. There was a snow depth of 33cm which was the highest since 2010 and a low of -18.C on the 11th. This was probably the lowest temperature locally in Perth in the last 30 odd years. Although 2010 came close. It got considerably milder from the 13th and the snow rapidly melted. It turned very springlike to end the month with temperatures approaching the teens and staying very sunny and dry. Spring was generally quite a mixed season March was pretty uneventful but was generally pleasant, mild and sunny with the odd cooler, wetter day thrown in. It turned warm midmonth reaching 18.C then turned quite windy but remained very mild at the end. April was an extremely interesting month the average minima was below freezing at -0.6.C which is almost 4.C below average! Despite that maxima was actually not far off average and there was some very pleasant days during the month. There was some days of hail and snow especially at the start and the only heavy rain came right at the end. May however was truly dismal, cold, wet, windy for virtually the whole month. It took until the 27th to exceed 20.C although the closing days were very pleasant. Have to say and I know this will probably be unpopular after seeing the UK’s data but I would rank summer 2021 as in the top 5 summers since 2000. Scotland had one of its best summers on record. June was extremely pleasant. Plenty of 20.C days with lots of sunshine and only occasional rain. It didn’t exceed 25.C but stayed very pleasant, especially with having cool nights. July had a few drab days between the 5th-7th but for the most part it was excellent with plenty of very warm sunshine which lasted right up until the last week before it turned a bit more unsettled. August began on the same note but still had a lot of nice days in between and from the 23rd-29th the sunshine in Perth was virtually unbroken for the whole period and combine that with 25/26.C temperatures it made for a smashing end to the summer. Into the autumn and September was generally another very summery month and the warmest day of 2021 for Perth was recorded on the 8th with 27.7.C which I’d imagine would be a record high for September. The heat lasted well into the last week of the month and like the summer there was only the occasional downpour. October was very mild with no frost but was quite a drab month, generally quite wet but didn’t feel autumnal at all as the trees were still in full leaf and green until the last week! November was quite dry and sunny but cooler however not especially, the only frost came during the last week. December was pretty average from what I can gather anyway. I’d rate 2021 highly for weather especially for the summer.
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