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Jamie M

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Everything posted by Jamie M

  1. https://meteologix.com/uk/lightning Wasn't logged in to see the lightning analysis so no
  2. The only half decent shot from last night showing the structure
  3. Someone had a hole in their roof and a blown-up fuse box from it about half a mile away so I was a bit lucky
  4. Exported file was a gigabyte so I thought I'd just post the YouTube video here instead
  5. Aye us Kent lot all sound the same Strike was only a few streets away so I can see why it was so bloody loud
  6. Forgive the language but that is the loudest clap of thunder I have ever heard Untitled.mp4
  7. Really not a massive difference between 06z and 09z, just more on how the cells develop
  8. Wessex Convection Experiment in full swing, can see em all on https://sondehub.org/
  9. Aye I agree - The Theta-E plume is a little bit more extensive in the west but the east still holds the best parameters
  10. I do tend to notice AROME does go a bit east and west flippy right up until these events although does tend to be close enough by the evening runs. I'm team UKV at the minute because it gets storms here
  11. Was looking at some of the soundings from AROME 00z's run for Lincolnshire and they did look pretty good so might be worth charging em just in case
  12. Had thunderfog here along the coast on the 13th August 2020 here, bright flashes of lightning through the fog as it rolled in
  13. Models seem to have shifted east for Fri night and UKV is less aggressive
  14. Light curve from C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) | astro.vanbuitenen.nl ASTRO.VANBUITENEN.NL Looks like it'll be a relatively hard object to see due to the early dawn sky but wouldn't stop me from trying
  15. Discovered on 11th August by Hideo Nishimura and is currently sat at magnitude 10 in the east close to the sun in the Gemini constellation. https://minorplanetcenter.net/mpec/K23/K23P87.html It had a temporary name of HN00003 until about an hour ago - approaches perihelion on 18th September with some estimates of it getting to mag 2 (https://groups.io/g/comets-ml/message/31550?p=%2C%2C%2C20%2C0%2C0%2C0%3A%3ACreated%2C%2Cposterid%3A2016356%2C20%2C2%2C0%2C100739383). Picture is from Michael Jager -https://groups.io/g/comets-ml/message/31561
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