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Jamie M

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Everything posted by Jamie M

  1. Always these setups that bring the most rumbles along here in North Kent That one over Maidstone destined for the coast
  2. Sorry to hear @mushymanrob hope you’re feeling better I see my outdoor weather cam nabbed some noctilucent clouds this morning although I doubt I’d have bothered looking without seeing other people mention it
  3. Had a look at the temperature map from that meteoweb website and I might have found the source for why the NLCs seem to not arrive over here after being seen elsewhere. There seems to be an area of warmer temperatures around Norway before it cools down again over Scotland. If these clouds are moving through that area of warmer air, it wouldn't surprise me if that was causing most of it to dissolve
  4. Lindenberg, had some quite high ones in the previous frames that have dissolved
  5. https://www.iap-kborn.de/fileadmin/user_upload/MAIN-abteilung/radar/Radars/JuliusruhMF/Plots/jmf_fca_vel24.png Southerly orientated meridional velocity since about 12 UTC in the mesosphere does make it more conducive for NLC formation
  6. Would pray for shear like that in a proper storm scenario
  7. Seen a picture and report from Gierle in Belgium 51.26N 4.86E https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10225227613212458
  8. Pileus caps on the thunderstorm near Chelmsford at 19:22.
  9. Rewa is plastered with noctilucent clouds, sure @mushymanrob is happy to know!
  10. Lindenberg proper going for it, got a 2:15 alarm set on top of my 6:45 alarm so I'll probably be hating myself for that tomorrow
  11. I see a slight extra factor is coming into play for NLC reduction this evening
  12. Temperature difference between here and further east into Russia is certainly notable, probably melting as they try and head further west http://meteoweb.ru/astro/nc.php
  13. filtered-A99CC0F7-CB17-4209-BC79-B4EC639BBEB3.mp4 UKV for later over Canterbury does peak my interest a little, seems to deviate a little bit
  14. Found this on YT, one to watch ahead of a positively active day tomorrow
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