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Everything posted by Met.

  1. 5°C here right now. At this point I wouldn't be surprised to wake on up 6th May to 2°C and heavy wet snow falling.
  2. Enjoying so much these bright, sunny northerlies.
  3. Um, think it won't be long til the "Spring Post Mortem" thread.
  4. Say what you will, the BBC was spot on for my location, rain every afternoon of the "dry spell" just like the forecast said.
  5. Guess what. It's raining. Dry spells off to a good start!
  6. Scorcher Met Office site has just added showers for all afternoon tuesday and wednesday now!!! Lmao.... I hope it's wrong.
  7. My BBC forecast has rain every single day for the next week. No dry spell coming here.
  8. markyo Buggar, that could be a depressing thought for many. In Sheffield, sunshine has increased from the 1961-1990 period, to the 1981-2010 period, and again in the 1991-2020 period. Source; https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/climate/maps-and-data/uk-climate-averages/gcqzwq04e Do you think it is going to go back down again then, by the 2001-2030 period, because of climate change?
  9. 6°C, overcast with a fine drizzle here. What a lovely start to April. Aren't we lucky people?
  10. In my household we used the tumbled drier. Also contributes to global warming, keeping winters milder.
  11. 7.1°C, 153mm, super record cold and super record flooding.
  12. 2018, had everything you'd want, sunshine at the right times, snow in winter, u name it.
  13. May as well roll a die. Anyway, let's say 20°C - 27th April. 25°C, 1st May.
  14. BBC forecast said dry all day, so naturally, we are having the heaviest rain in a week. I think a dead Octopus would do better at forecasting the weather.
  15. damianslaw Y'all were looking at the wrong forecast, 'fraid. This was my forecast, written on 1st November 2023 (with proof of its creation date below):
  16. Seeing some sun this afternoon for the first time since last September. The indoor temperature even reached 17°C without the heating on.
  17. Such grotty rot this month that I've been thinking of buggering off to Kuala Lumpur for a week or so seeing as I'm rich and have time on my hands. But then again I can't be bovvered.
  18. Another sunless day, a mouldy old trough of pig-slop to endure yet again. Probably spend the afternooon in bed.
  19. This month just proves why I often rate March as the 2nd worst month of the year after November. Often it's just a continuation of winter, grey, wet and mouldy, cold, minging conditions going on forseeably - a pretender to the throne of spring. A fake "spring" month. Oh well. Keep on ticking those days down on the calendar and sleeping the days away.
  20. Been an awfully depressing March so far, much worse than the springlike February which was great. Just cold, boring rotten low grey tupperware skies everyday and no weather to speak of.
  21. Wasn't much of interest. A thunderstorm on 18th June and then one around 8th July provided the most interest. 18th June had a proper gulleywasher with hail included.
  22. In no particular order: Intense night-time thunderstorm, August 5th 1997, Jersey, when camping. A man got electrical burns from lightning nearby on the campsite. Intense night-time thunderstorm in Limoges, France that blew up the power in July 1999. Thunderstorms in Dubai on 9th March 2016, which caused street flooding, and the Burj Khalifa had lightning come off the top when I went on the outside deck in the storm on the 148th floor. Part of the time I was also inside the storm cloud. Continuous lightning in a storm in Windsor, Berkshire 3rd July 1999. Thundery squall line with hail on 31st January 2013 in Buxton, Derbyshire Thunderstorm that was tornadic when I was in Lincoln on 29th September 2006. Extremely loud thunder. Beast from east in March 2018 memorable for the big snow drifts and as I was living in an unheated flat in Buxton, Derbyshire, indoor temps got down to 1°C. July 2007 for the constant rainy days and floods. December 1990 midlands blizzard that was my first ever weather memory. Thunderstorm at night in Staffordshire, July 6th 1991 I believe, first thunderstorm memory.
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