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Everything posted by scrat

  1. Hello everyone, grains of snow floating around in the wind here in Biggin, lovely to see . Serious excitement for Monday's potential.....bring it on!!!
  2. They were already doing that here in Biggin....it was like Christmas over again at Waitrose
  3. Sledges, hats, gloves, boots all at the ready....a quick vodka (for warmth, you understand ) , two snow mad kids and a 'Billy Bonkers' dog, not sure about the rest of 'the bump' but Scrat is ready and waiting!! How you doing Coast
  4. Morning all! Misty and cold here in Biggin Hill (although not as cold as I had expected). Ice had already defrosted from the car at 8am. So looks like the snow may come in tomorrow morning; let's see what the Springer makes of that . Can't wait to see some pink blobs and seriously hope the only lamp post in the road is working! Don't forget the birds guys, it only takes a minute to put some food out
  5. OMG,....didn't think of that....but it's ok, my husband has feet phew!!!! I'll be too busy (playing in the snow)...ever hopeful xxx
  6. Beautiful day here, after one of the darkest mornings I can remember! So, is there any need for a snow dance, or are we ok
  7. Dank and murky here in Biggin....boring . I so long for crisp and sunny (not even snow), just something that makes you feel alive. Have a good day all, off to put the roast on
  8. Just been watching natures weirdest events and loved the cloud formations they showed, totally incredible. And, I didn't know that ice was a factor in lightening. Learning all the time :-)
  9. Looks amazing. We had a beautiful sunrise in Biggin Hill too, just didn't have a chance to take a picture (I always think there has to be some benefit to getting up early and that sunrise was one of them). Only one day at work for me this week, so not so bad. Very dull here in Bromley, real nothingy type of weather, the sort of weather I hate! Hey ho....I'm sure there is something a bit more dramatic round the corner (ever hopeful)
  10. My road really is a lake now (lovely if only only there were fish ;-). Happy New Year to you all Here's wishing for a fabulously white Jan and Feb, a beautiful mild and sunny March and April and the best summer ever
  11. Well that walk certainly blew the cobwebs away (and yes, my Spaniel nearly took off)! Very blustery here,many newly fallen branches and wheelie bins over. Happy New Year to you all
  12. Hate it when it's this quiet on here, must be something to look forward to, or ramp.........summer maybe
  13. Sorry, wasn't too clear in the picture. Gorgeous Cocker . They do seem to love water (and mud lol)! Another reason why I prefer cold and crisp this time of year.....blimin' dogs!
  14. Hi Coast, you have a Springer too?? All that water....why couldn't it be snow [sigh]
  15. Neither, although, Farnborough Park would be very nice! Up the top of Oaklands Lane, bang opposite woods and loads of farmland. Perfect for picnics in the summer and sledging in (if we ever get it) winter. Also, great for walking the bonkers Springer.......and getting completely coated in mud
  16. Sorry about that Rybris hee hee. Fingers well and truly crossed for cold and dry (or even better some of the white stuff in the new year)
  17. Very true Steve! I live on an unmade road and it currently resembles a river. Walking boots for Christmas...waders would have been better!
  18. Miserable here (and rather creepy whilst walking the dog in the woods with the creaking branches and deer eyes watching us). Looks like it's going to be very wet and windy tomorrow....just to make a change . Any cold, clear weather in sight?
  19. Windy with heavy rain here in Biggin :-(. Bring back the cold and crisp......please!
  20. Frost not lifted in many places today. Keston Ponds walk at 3pm was more like a 7am walk....brrrr (love it though). Let's see what happens....but could seriously do with a 'snow day', no work, no school and nothing to worry about other than how much fun you can have in the snow
  21. What fantastic pictures,,,,thank you for sharing! What camera do you have?
  22. No, not settling and in fact hardly anything coming from the sky now, still very dark though.
  23. Snowing in Biggin Hill. Woke to beautiful sunshine, walked the dog and realised just how icy it was (almost went a over t)then the clouds rolled in :-). Have a good day everyone!
  24. Remember the birds in this cold weather. I've noticed that the berries that were so visible in November have all gone. Worth putting something out. I have my regular 'Christmas robins' back this year :-)
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