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Lord Grogon

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Everything posted by Lord Grogon

  1. Not that I enjoy it, but we need another site to hit 40C. Can't just be Heathrow. Otherwise we will never hear the end of the silly discussions.
  2. My WeatherPro App which uses Heathrow for London just dropped from 40 to 39. NW site shows 39.2 for Heathrow. Hit the peak or late data?
  3. One thing I have often pondered. It's clear we need plumes to break records. But what is the limit of home grown heat? If we had a massive high pressure parked over us for weeks. Centre somewhere near the south, but just far enough inland to avoid sea breezes. Peaking I guess in late June for maximum solar input/day length. Can't recall what year, but didn't we break the high temp record on Summer equinox day not that long back with this sort of setup. Got to something like 34C.
  4. Just been watching Sky News whilst having my lunch. One of their live feeds on the main screen is of the sun. Very important to ensure it is still there of course if we are to break records.
  5. I remember that day. Worked from home but decided to go for a quick run at 10 (before it got too hot). Opened my front door and it felt like a blast furnace. Unbelievable at that time of day. Didn't go for a run in the end oddly enough. Would have easily broken the record but for the pesky cloud that rolled in around 12 for a couple of hours. Even after it had cleared though, there was still enough time for a late afternoon surge to a modest (by todays standards) 36C.
  6. I love the idea that Yorkshire could end up being the hottest place ever. Us Southerners can now mock those wimpy Northerners and their balmy Mediterranean climate.
  7. I may be wrong, but in 2003, didn't the record go quite late in the day? After 4pm. That would have been August as well so later start. With the higher uppers pushing in, I've heard a couple of suggestions anytime up to 6pm could be in the mix.
  8. Nah, not City Airport. The station is surrounded on 3 sides by water. It's always slightly cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Not a cloud in the sky near me at the moment (Upminster) and I can vouch that it is rather warm. Brentwood is nearest, but is higher up so Met Office station there is always a bit lower in summer as well. Writtle could be in with a shout.
  9. In terms of quick heating, nothing here will beat the 1 July 2015 blast. It was well over 30C when I stepped out at 10am. That was the one where it clouded up over lunch which scuppered the record chance. But it still managed the July record when the cloud cleared later in the afternoon. However, it led to lots of silly debates about Heathrow jet exhausts that still persist to this day.
  10. Odd observation is that despite this now being front page news on most major outlets, it barely appears at all on the Daily Express website. You actually have to go looking for it. Given that paper will report crazy weather stories at the slightest provocation, it seems rather odd. Maybe they are so far ahead of the curve that they have already picked up on the downgrades.....
  11. If only that could be true. When they issued the red warning for Eunice at 3am, I actually made an effort to get up and send an email to my office, mainly to warn about the likely travel disruption (I work in Central London). What did I get in thanks? A b*****g and was told I should have contacted the appropriate committee to ask permission. Thankfully plenty of people heeded my advice and decided to wfh. Me 1, pompous muppets 0.
  12. Also interesting is that it is not really showing the high numbers for night time. Not even a Tropical Night by these numbers. There's been lots of talk about temperatures staying above 24C and breaking records but this is miles off.
  13. It's finally on the WeatherPro App. "London" is the Heathrow station. Although to be fair, I do find this App states the absolute maximum on this page and tends to overstate by a degree or so more often than not. If I was a betting man, based on this, I'd go for 39C on Tue. First time I have ever seen it though in a UK location.
  14. Gotta love the ending. From 26C 850hpa to 11C in under 5 hours. Would be rather lively.
  15. According to the BBC, Santon Downham in Suffolk has reached 32.7C. Must be a mistake though as I wasn't aware there was an airport there.
  16. Ha. You can always tell a persons age by the raves they attended.
  17. We have sleety blobs in the deluge. So exciting! This is what winter is all about....
  18. I love this site, but crickey you get some discrepancies. In the space of 30 mins you get a post saying 90mph gusts in Edinburgh, then another saying a downgrade to 40mph! By all accounts off the same model run too…
  19. On a side note, just had the heaviest shower of the year pass over. Proper turning on the taps. I love these faster moving windy storms. You get all the drama of the crazy wind and rain, but without the flooding risk of the slow moving stuff.
  20. Not disputing the graph, but I'm genuinely surprised the SE gets less sunshine than the SW of the country. I was always under the impression that given most of our nasty weather comes from the West and the SE is the driest part of the country, that would equate to more sunshine. I suppose like many things weather related, the truth is more complicated.
  21. Good question. Even the deluge summers of 2007 and 2012 managed to briefly scrape over the mark. I read somewhere that London averages 5 days per year of 30+ degrees. Last year we managed about 10 so a bit of rebalancing needed!
  22. My dull observation (and probably wrong). June 2021 is the first UK summer month since Aug 2017 where 30 degrees has not been reached anywhere in the UK.
  23. All those storms forecast last week and we got nowt here. Suddenly this beast has arisen out of nowhere in E.London. No warnings, nothing! Shows how hard these things are to forecast.
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