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Posts posted by Snowandrocks

  1. 4 hours ago, Halfamilefromnowhere said:

    Cold but bright here, a few hail/sleety showers pushing through on a distinctly biting NE wind. Ground very wet and pond is overflowing but we have frogspawn for the first time since I dug the pond out last winter.

    I hired in a slew digger during the dry spell in February and dug a decent sized pond out along with some other drainage work - just had some final tidying up to do when we ended up with that dump of snow. Still waiting for the ground to even dry out slightly to get the digger back but not looking very promising! It's like a swamp at the moment. 

    Also spotted some frog spawn in a ditch si hopefully next year they might be in my pond. 

    • Like 2
  2. I mostly drive a Hilux with 16 inch steel wheels, 70 profile tyres and suspension that is perfectly capable of dealing with rural Mongolia yet even major roads across both Edinburgh and Highland are often wince inducing. 

    Aberdeenshire Council seem perfectly capable of keeping on top of things - our dead end single track road that only leads to a farm and 3 houses is ploughed daily and has the odd pothole repaired quite promptly. I've no idea why other councils make such a hash of it. 

    • Like 3
  3. 35 minutes ago, Quinach said:

    It always amazes me how many unrepaired potholes there are on Edinburgh roads, profitable times for suspension specialists in the city.

    I think Aberdeenshire roads are generally pretty well maintained which makes the appalling state of roads elsewhere in Scotland even more noticable. We have good friends in both Edinburgh and Skye and we laugh about how rough the roads are when we visit either, even driving a farm pickup. 

    A little top up of fresh over the last hour or so after yet another day of alpine weather - warm sunshine, crisp powdery snow cover and little wind. 

    • Like 4
  4. Yeah pretty uninspiring day - never properly raining but just damp and drizzly all day. Great day to be rebuilding a rockery with back breakingly heavy rocks covered in thick heavy clay! 

    Heading to Braemar to stay with friends for the Mountain Festival so hopeful of at least some white stuff by the time we return on Monday. 

    • Like 9
  5. I don't actually have many complaints about this winter - we've had knee deep snow that lasted a good while and temperatures down to below minus 15c.

    The last month or so has been quite boring but at least it's been dry with lots of pleasant days for being outside. Another good snowy spell and then some decent spring weather would suit me nicely. 

    • Like 9
  6. 4 hours ago, Mair Snaw said:

    A beautiful day here, took the dog out on a long walk and Mrs Mair Snaw got trigger happy with the camera.. dog loved it and was out for the count not long after coming home..  😂😂

    Could contain: Walking, Person, Dog, Canine, Pet, Hoodie, Man, Adult, Male, Walking Dog


    Hopefully my digger driving/chainsaw wielding racket in the woods in front of you didn't ruin your walk too much! 

    It did turn out to be a cracking day, some warm sunshine at times once the wind died down. Tomorrow looking pretty promising too. 

    • Like 7
  7. 1 hour ago, Quinach said:

    Aberdeenshire Permagloom™ yesterday, wet Aberdeenshire Permagloom™ so far this morning (though blue skies are tantalisingly over towards the NE).

    Quite nice over this side of the hill this morning, dry with some decent sunny spells. 

    Mair Snow - will give you a shout next time I cut some up. 

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