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Rufus Butterfield

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Everything posted by Rufus Butterfield

  1. It’s quite faint but it’s definitely lightning, my first time seeing it in December. MAH01343.mov
  2. I’m pretty sure this was the snowfall (from the 11th). I randomly screenshot the radar if it looks interesting and I just so happened to have that one
  3. The River Whitham is pretty full this morning.
  4. Yeah probably, odd rumble of thunder here and there. I’m not really in a state to record any video at the moment to be honest so I should really get some sleep instead
  5. Some strikes recorded so it may continue to throw down some more. I’ll charge the camera in case
  6. Large anvil and mammatus on the showers to the south east of Doncaster
  7. Interesting skies after the front passed over. Might be some mammatus in there as well
  8. Nice 20 degrees in Lincoln this afternoon. Very pleasant autumn day.
  9. I swear I saw some asperitas clouds out the window in my lecture, but now I’ve gone outside they’re gone.
  10. Not sure what species of tree this is but my neighbour’s are going red. They’re usually gone by late October.
  11. Aww man I feel like a missed out a bit last night cause there definitely were some recorded strikes in the Lincoln area at 4am. I was just so tired from going out that evening
  12. I think there was thunder here in Lincoln but I was so exhausted from yesterday that I slept right through it.
  13. Definitely my plan of action as well. I almost think of the lack of storms in this country, while frustrating at times, does make you appreciate them more compared to places where they’re a much more common occurrence like continental Europe (I’m also looking at you Ireland).
  14. I’ll be moving into Lincoln uni this Saturday so I guess it’ll be worth bringing the cameras along, might get some weird looks but I’ll have to learn not to care what others think.
  15. Very occasional flashing to my north west but not really worth the effort of capturing Edit: did hear one deep, but quiet boom of thunder earlier which technically makes this my 12th day of thunder, most I’ve seen in this part for a decent while.
  16. Got the drone up last night when the cell was beginning to die. Can’t fly my drone in my garden because of the proximity to the airport (even though it’s shut down), so I have to go a mile or two away to fly it. Caught some decent bolts from a cell to our north. I’ve got like 3 YouTube videos planned to edit from this summer before uni starts. drone clip.mp4
  17. Awesome photos guys and thanks for sharing all these posts. The lightning activity would look mad if it was night time
  18. I bloody hope so. Good storms last night so this would be a nice extra if something else were to develop
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