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Everything posted by SunSean

  1. In Absence of True Seasons It was Corfu I was looking at but I'm gonna give it a few more days and then decide lol. Not having a week off with zero sun.
  2. Metwatch Calling a forecast like that in mid April, an improvement, is basically the same as calling getting your jaw broken in a fight an improvement over falling down a flight of stairs and breaking your leg lol. Its still absolutely rancid with not a spec of sun hardly
  3. In Absence of True Seasons I don't look at the Met Office forecasts anymore as they've been getting it consistently wrong for ages now. One things for certain, I've got a week off next week, so if there's not a few days of sun upcoming, I'll be booking another last minute holiday and getting off this SSW infested, fecal gargling, sewage snorting, grey as dishwater, wet as a strip club island and off to a normal country that actually experiences something called sunshine! Lol.
  4. raz.org.rain I don't even ask for much, it just seems so hard to get any consistent sunshine these days. I still pray for a 2018 style flip around.
  5. TheOgre Oh boy what a treat! Being treated to yet more endless gloom & low pressure? Must be payback for the 2 fairly nice days in the past week and a bit! There's no getting away from it, we've been so disproportionately dull for so long now that any light at the end of the tunnel is always extinguished & replaced with more sewage. This ain't ending is it. Can't believe there were still some cheering on another late season SSW LOL. Spring wrecked again as it always is when we're "treated" to one of those. This gonna be an every year thing now? No more Springs just extended Autumn's? Sorry guys but I can't help but keep ranting because it's Honestly killing me having such little sunshine for so long. It's absolute torture especially when you're constantly teased with a change...finally...and it reverts back to Hell again.
  6. Cor, this wind man, makes it feel like 2c lol.
  7. baddie I wish I had your optimism lol. Overall trend still looks complete guff but there's always hope I suppose, despite this unshakeable pattern.
  8. Uk climate- Autumn & Winter- grey sky/rain Spring & Summer- grey sky/rain 10c- grey sky/rain 20c- grey sky/rain Southerly airflow- grey sky/rain Northerly airflow- grey sky/rain High pressure- grey sky/rain Low pressure- grey sky/rain Worst country in the world by far.
  9. WYorksWeather Yeah, seems like the jet stream just packed up it's bags and emigrated south for the foreseeable. Dont really see anything changing tbh!
  10. Daniel* Interesting how North West Scotland have been almost consistently drier than average over the past 5 years. Bizarre!
  11. We're in the big line of "clear sky" according to the satellite and yet still, a patch directly above my area decides to inbreed like a pack of hillbillies, creating the one block of self sustaining cloud in the entire "clear" line. I hereby declare Southend/Shoeburyness area as a new cloud magnet epicentre.
  12. TheOgre Yeah i notice too, I feel like UK is the boy who gets picked last at the school kickabout or the friend who doesn't get invited to the party lol. There aren't many places worse than UK in terms of getting pleasant sunny weather.
  13. WYorksWeather That's crazy. It's like a never-ending nightmare! Any lovers of grey & wet have pretty much won the lottery since March 2023.
  14. Been at work all day and just came on here to see that for the 90,000th time, any inkling of settled sunny weather has been replaced with yet more satanic hellscum, manure infested, herpes ridden, vomit inducing heap of absolute raw sewage. Can this weather pattern, for the love of God, die and rot in the depths of hell. I wonder what us Brits have done to get this never ending complete and utter cack.
  15. AWD Oh God, that really would seal it Yeah it's all just unbelievably boring. Weather used to be pretty interesting but the past year or so has just been pretty much the same crap every single day!
  16. In my area, this has been one of the worst "20c" days in living memory when all factors are considered. Zero sunshine, strong wind, forecast completely wrong, ugly messy sky, hype of a "lovely spring day" coming ...only thing missing is a bit of rain to put the icing on the cake! The forecast of sunny spells all day was so unbelievably wrong and this added to the pathetic inaccuracy of all weather forecasts lately, I think the current method of forecasting should be scrapped. It ain't working. If anything, forecast accuracy has decreased exponentially over the past few years. Hope the pay is crap for these "forecasters". The one profession where you can get it wrong 320 times a year and still keep ya job!
  17. What a dreadful & completely sunless early November day.
  18. MP-R Yeah it's pretty rubbish so far & if anything, it's getting even cloudier & windier. Amazing that since July 2023, no matter what the temperature is, what airflow direction, what pressure type, it's always constantly cloudy. I swear Southerly airflows used to be sunny back in the day! Since we've had 20 out of the last 22 months above 50mm of rain (this month included as it will be), nothing other than 20 out of the next 22 months being sunnier than average will do.
  19. AWD Feels more like an early October day here with the grey sky & wind, definitely not a Spring/Summer feel. Temperature is fine but kinda redundant without any sunshine.
  20. Not sure what the fuss is about today- totally overcast & windy this morning. Perhaps it will get better later (although satellite shows tonnes more cloud incoming). Warm temperatures are completely irrelevant if its gonna be this gloomy & windy. I've seen many 20c+ days in April & this one is nothing special so far- where's the sun!?
  21. Absolutely cannot stand the wind! Style the hair pretty dapper, go outside and 20 seconds later end up looking like Elton John.
  22. Yet more "much needed rain". 4 days in a row of near washouts to start April! Another 50mm+ month here we come! Least we got a new natural swimming pool in the local nature park I guess...
  23. March 2024 total sunshine per county in England Nothing too special, everywhere trumped by many parts of Scotland Disclaimer- Although great care goes into producing these tables, 100% accuracy cannot be guaranteed Surely eventually, we will finally get another sunnier than average month in England
  24. Cold & sunny easily. For me, sun always trumps everything else so I'd even take 3c and sunny right now over mild & wet lol.
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