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Everything posted by frogesque

  1. Spaceweather "New sunspot 875 has a "beta-gamma-delta" magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares. Credit: SOHO/MDI. " Whooohooo! Hopefully we'll get a good blast our way soon! :lol:
  2. Glad you are all keeping busy at work It looks a lot calmer today - was blowing a gale yesterday! There should be a lot more activity once the chicks hatch.
  3. Use neem oil soap solution - also gets rid of nits :blink:
  4. Eagle Eye Web Cam Simple really, you set up a webcam to watch nesting eagles then sit back and enjoy. There's a bird on the nest now and aparently there's two eggs. Canadian site (British Columbia) so allow for time differences in daylight
  5. Kp currently at 6 Damn - it's a beatifull clear but sunny day here at the moment. Might be worth keeping an eye out tonight but we're only a day past full moon so you would need very good conditions or an extremely bright aurora to see anything. Edit: Kp now at 7; 10.50am
  6. Don't worry about it, the tsunami would get us first Must ... stop ... reading ... GLP ...
  7. Yep, prominances are limb features on the sun and as such are roughly at 90 deg to the Earth and even a CME on the limb is unlikely to cause anything in the way of activity on Earth. Nice to see some sunspots though and at least we might be in with a chance if Solar Minimum has passed.
  8. Great description robl1200 Glad you enjoyed the trip and I hope all your pics turn out as well as the digicam pic. As you say, it's an unbelievable experience. For anyone that hasn't already seen them there's a few pics of mine from Side in the Photography section
  9. Snow started this afternoon. Home now and it's just starting to settle on the grass. Very dark and gloomy.
  10. Had snow/sleet/hail flurries off and on all afternoon. Not lying. Temp 4C. Very grey day. Still a lot of white tops on the hills. Snow line about 1000ft
  11. Tues 14th. 00.52. Rain has now started to turn to snow, big wet flakes with sleet. Wind SE.
  12. Still snowing steadily here in Fife, very little wind, what there is is roughly NE, looks as if snow is stuck directly over us. Level depth now 11.5cm (4.5") on hard surface, add 2cm on grass. Edit: http://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/webcam/ but site is overloaded at the moment.
  13. Snowing steady, wet but lying. 6.5cm (2.5") level snow on hard surface overnight.
  14. light snow falling now. Very wet and not lying. Weather feels cold, raw and miserable.
  15. A few isolated flakes fell yesterday but there is still some patches left this morning from Friday's fall. Going fast as it's nice and warm in the sunshine.
  16. Heavy snow started about an hour ago, wind NE, thermometer is about -2C. Really chucking it down! 3cm deep level snow on hard surface. Looks like it hit us at the same time Sue B)
  17. Saw my first brave soul yesterday! Loads of buds ready to break - all we need is a little sunshine. Also some flowering currant
  18. Much the same here Sue. Light dusting of snow grains. Feels very raw and damp
  19. :lol: I think yesterday was just a little baby-burp of wind from a coronal hole. Solar min can still produce surprises though so don't give up on it.
  20. An almost featureless blank sun again yesterday but still enough solar activity to produce a gust of wind lifting the Kp index briefly to 6 last night and triggering high lat. aurora. I went out last night but nothing visible this far south despite being one of the clearest moonless nights this year. I did see a beautiful bright green meteor (mag -6 ish) with reddish orange scintillation, possibly a Delta Leonid although unfortunately I was driving at the time and could be well off with regard to its track. It might have just been a casual encouter with a sporadic.
  21. I received another camera lens on Saturday so haven't had a lot of time to play with it but this was a snap of the full moon 12/13 Feb to gauge relative sizes. Lens cost a packet but that's what tax rebates are for Sigma 500mm prime AF apo tele, f1:7.2, (800mm equivalent on a 35mm film SLR) shot was taken through quite a lot of fog so excuse details. Full frame reduced to 800pix width to fit board Full resolution (100%) cropped detail This should give a good compromise between limb details and still get the full corona. I'll also have a film SLR and some of my other glassware as backup and my friend will have a pocket digi for wider field shots that should get Mercury and Venus in the frame. Just need that sun to shine! Totality at Side will be ~3mins 45sec
  22. Two words - and the second one is, "off!" :wacko:
  23. Lunar Eclipse Primer should explain things better. Me is off to Turkey (Side) for the total solar eclipse on the 29th. March :wacko: Will be looking for some good forecasts for there so put a shilling in the weather machine and start cranking guys!
  24. That winter was very memorable for me as it's the only time I've seen nacreous clouds. It was on the evening of February 16-17, 1996, bitterly cold with hard frost on top of a little snow that was still lying. So beautifull and I'll never forget it.
  25. Super set of photos everyone My 5 in no particular order tugmistress 1 leakay 5 iluvsnow 2 frazer5002 1 cloudburst 1
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