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Posts posted by coldfingers

  1. Fear not! ...using my super laptop computer deciphering software, I've just decrypted this admission from no less than the President of France himself !!....

    "l'anglais ....... ils vont obtenir toute la neige, les modèles sont faux, les français sont mauvais, les gens de Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Wiltshire, dans le Berkshire et Hants sont des dieux de neige!" wink.png

    time to brush up on you french, either that or cheat using google translate...lol

    HEY!!!! Why you leave out Sussex you 'orrible Mr French President!!! laugh.png

  2. In the town (5 mins walk from town centre). my thermometer is in my garden but may not be correct. Temp went down to 0.8c a few mins ago but back up to 1c as I type.

    Hi Danball, mine is on a sheltered wooden shed wall so perhaps mine is too high! Still half a degree not much either way. I am on the very edge of town, Felpham way so have really enjoyed the laying snow from Friday!

  3. wet sleety/snow here and plus it smells like a frenchmans armpits

    Perhaps it is a frenchmans armpits.rofl.gif They were just saying on the local news that the smell is coming from Northern Frances where they are producing the smell that is put into natural gas! Phew! Why do they always put these places along the Channel coast! Along with a lot of their nuclear reactors? Maybe because the prevailing wind down here is South-westerly so the English get their pollution?

    Anyway back to less controversial matters and the reason I logged in is the weather.

    I walked the dog at 3:30pm and it was 3C and heavy and very cold rain. Now less than an hour later it is snow and the tamp has dropped to 1.8

    Too wet on the ground for it to settle now apart from the few places where the snow remains.

  4. CORNWALL, you will fight the mild air on the beaches, fight it on lands end, fight in the hills and the streets. You must never surrender! If if that mild air comes, I know that the rest of the west country with its mighty cider drinking snow ramping army, will come to your rescue and fight of that mild air to deliver you to snow heaven victory!

    Hahahahaha, open all your freezer doors guys.

  5. Its Bitterly cold out there tonight in Penryn. Think it may have gone below freezing last night bit it well and truly is now at -1 or -2c and the DP at -2c. First time in ages its below 0! With the precip just over the Scilly Isles now, will we finally get some snow?

    If the temps stay that low as this precipitation comes in it looks good for snow for you and others in Cornwall and I really am keeping my fingers crossed for you. Mind you, I have experienced freezing rain here before now so below freezing temperatures don't on their own mean snow.

    You should know soon anyway as it is steadily moving in for you. Here's hoping. drinks.gif

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