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Everything posted by MP-R

  1. Very cloudy and cool this morning. No rain overnight. Temperature at present is 7.2C after a low of 4.4C.
  2. Light layer of cloud at present and an average temperature of 6.4C. I can now get really exact readings from my new Christmas Present thermometre. No frost last night as temperatures held up around 3C.
  3. Happy New Year!!!! Another great year both weatherwise and otherwise all round. Been a rather dull day though to start the new year. Been cloudy and quite cool today with a few light showers this afternoon. Now foggy and calm at 6C.
  4. Well what a disappointment. Yesterday started off so wonderful with blue skies and frost. Then it got cloudy and began to snow, I also witnessed four flashes of lightning yesterday evening before it snowed very heavily. This morning it is shut in, raining in sheets and mild at 7C. Either roll on summer, or roll on real winter.
  5. An air frost and ground frost after a low of -2C. Not as cold as yesterday's -7C.
  6. Not as cold today. Frosty though and sunny everywhere after falling to -2C last night.
  7. The second half of the month was distinctly colder than the first. The cold weather started overnight 23rd/24th after heavy rain on the 23rd if I remember correctly. Christmas Eve and Day were both clear and cold with severe frosts as temperature dipped to a chilly -9C overnight. There were odd snow flurries and long spells of sunshine during the final week. The 29th had a prolonged spell of heavy snow followed by rain - FREEZING RAIN - on the 30th then more snow before a dry, dull day on the 31st. The snow stayed for the 1st and 2nd of January but soon melted as the temperatures rose to 8C.
  8. Turning very cold with a current temperature of -3.5C, not as cold as it was in Zurich this morning when I left when it was -6C but it is cold enough that the garden is white and all the cars are covered.
  9. Got back from a white Christmas holiday in Austria two hours ago. Clear and -3C now with a frost forming.
  10. Clear skies above what seems to be very thin mist of fog. A very damp kind of cold but cold enough that I can see my breath and there is ice beginning to form on the cars. Temperature sits at 0C exactly after a high of 6C.
  11. Been a simply glorious day today. Clear blue skies all day since 8.00 when it was sleeting. Top temperature was a slightly milder 6C. Now clear and temperature down to 1C.
  12. I woke up this morning and it was sleeting - yes it was sleeting! Now clear and sunny with only a few light christmas clouds...uh...pardon...cumulus clouds to the west. Temperature has so far managed 3C after a low of 0C.
  13. You never should. Winter in my books is a wonderful season. It's jammed packed full of everything. Thunderstorms, gales, dull gloomy days, frost, snow - everything as far as clear blue skies. Roll on more winter weather I say. :o
  14. Very cold and frosty this morning. Thick frost everywhere, almost looking like snow. Low of -5.5C but now rising to -2C.
  15. Very cold and frosty this morning after a low of -5C. Cloudy too but clear sky still holding up towards the east. That meant a lovely sunrise as well!!!
  16. Very cold and frosty at the moment. Clear skies, full moon and -3C.
  17. Currently clear and frost building on the cars. Temperature lies at -0.5C. Sitting in front of the TV nice and warm watching videos of thunderstorms!
  18. A lovely clear and sunny and crisp day today with not a cloud in the sky all day. Fell ot 1C but no frost because of light breeze. Current temperature is 5C and now beginning to fall.
  19. A dull start as light rain and drizzle passed through but brightenednup during the day allowing temperatures to rise up to 11C. The wind however made it feel like 5C. Now clear and cold at 3C. I feel a frost coming on. I have also noticed that the high for Sunday night is higher than the high for midday Sunday. Is that usual?
  20. Lovely day after some foggy and low cloud at the start of the day. Temperature got up nicely to 8C but now down to 5C and cloudy again.
  21. Cloudy and rather cool today with very little if any sunshine. Temperature peaked at 7C but now down to 4C.
  22. Been a reasonably nice day after some fog this morning. Top temperature was 7C after a low of 1C.
  23. After rain at the start of the day, the cloud slowly pushed over and gave way to some lovely clear blue skies and sunshine. Top temperature was 8C but now down to 2C.
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