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Harsh Climate

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Posts posted by Harsh Climate

  1. Never seen Neteather so quiet in heart of winter before, seems like people have finally smelt the coffee and started not to believe absolute nonsense 'mountain torque, angular momentum... forecasts..... Where if they can find a shred of 'current weather' backing up their predictions,  they then build that into their forecast methods!! Glad this lunacy has seemingly come to an end. The weather will do what it will do, you can't use a 'sole driver'out of 1000s and build a forecast entirely from it!... (Like thunderstorm activity has increased in the sub-tropics so we are going to get northern blocking in 2 weeks time!!!!).. 🙄

    • Like 5
  2. Il be honest I thought this whole event was crap. Even with a couple cm, with temps around 0.4c  and always a wetness to the snow, did not float my boat at all!

    No magic to it, just thought if only I was a couple hundred foot higher up. It sucks to be of low altitude lol. Otley 310ft and Guiseley 475ft every snow event I was always just right side of marginal!

  3. Cracking ECM 240H


    Hard to get Excited over a 240h chart when we have had so so many this winter lead to nothing! Yes some background signals are supportive but I will believe it when it's down to T96 thanks. 

    And to be honest this isn't even a holy grail chart we would be trying to reel in it's just a 'GREAT POTENTIAL' chart at the furthest reaches of FI 😂. Guess we got to start somewhere 🫠.

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  4.  Aiden2012

    My advice is to go out and enjoy it while it lasts, before ya know it the dreaded 'drip' will have set in, then it is game over for any excitement, unless your easily pleased!

    For Leeds are I think light sleet/snow 9:30am, heavy from about 11:30am, couple cm above 50m by 2:30pm, by 3pm the first signs of the dreaded drip, snow sliding off your parked car windows and windscreen... Oooo is it just the weight of the snow??? No just the dreaded thaw kicking into place.

    Like I said, my only interest from this is can it be heavy/intense enough to get me snowed off work before I finish at 2pm?? Could have done with it setting in before 8am so very unlikely now. 

    You guys above 200m, You should see heavier snow perhaps 7/8cm and the thaw come in a bit later. Perhaps 6pm. Still nothing to right home about.

    Think what could have been 2 days ago. Heavy snow Thursday, more heavy snow Friday as it pushes back south with precipitation coming in from the North Sea from the wrap around, then colder.. As usual we have drawn the short straw!

    • Like 3
  5.  Dark Horse  For me in the early 2000s some of my best snow falls came from North Westerlies! Potent showers feeding through gaps in the pennines down the wharfedale valley to Otley. Usually melted quickly but something else seeing snow rates of 3'' or  4''/hour dropping a few cm in half hour from horizontal snow! 

    Whatever happens tomorrow my expectations are low so won't be disappointed if don't see much.

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  6.  frosty ground

    Such a shame, 2 days ago there was the possibility of Thursdays low pulling away back SE with a colder NE flow in behind for 24 hours.. Bringing the chance of round 2 with the precipitation heading back south or snow showers from North Sea. 

    Instead we end up with that horrid Snow to rain event, we're you would be in ya class at school getting all excited at big flakes falling outside, only for the teacher to say 'It will turn to rain soon, get on with your class work!'... 🤧. That is my memories of winters as a child in the nineties...

    This is a nineties winter so far!

    • Like 6
  7.  cheshire snow

    Looking a none event below 200m now, maybe a little snow followed by drip drip by noon. Downgrades overnight with the heaviest precipitation further north into Northern England, with milder uppers further north too.

    High ground near Buxton now not likely to see 50cm, more like 15-20 max.

    Lower down, even 1000ft I would expect any snow to turn sleety late afternoon with a thaw setting in. Those mild uppers by even as early as 3pm are pretty damning

    • Like 7
  8. Just can't see this anything other than a morning/early afternoon affair below 300m quickly turning to drip drip. Think there are going to be a fair few disappointed people come tomorrow afternoon especially in the NW and Midlands threads. Downgrades overnight with heaviest precipitation now progged further north over us, but with quicker advance of milder air. I think high up near Buxton has gone from 40cm to almost just 15-20cm lol.

    All I hope from tomorrow is that the snow can come heavy enough and early enough to get me snowed off work, not bothered if it's drip drip by noon.

    • Like 1
  9.  Empire Of Snow

    I think it will be a fine balancing act in not having the fronts push too far north (with associated milder uppers) and the heavy/beefy pulses of precipitation pushing far enough North to reach us.

    Where the snow is really coming down, this will lower the snow levels quite rapidly with the evaporative cooling. 

     Empire Of Snow

    I think you will do well at your altitude and location. 

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