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Posts posted by wallopweather

  1. is it snowing there wallop?

    cant work out whats going on here, snowed all day very light now its got colder it has turned to sleet!! got a crunchy white slush on the ground, nothing on cars but grass is white!!!

    Was snowing on and off all day here got dark and that's when it turned to sleet and rain. Nothing on the ground here. Pots of water frozen but can hear water dripping off trees etc. All very weird and the temps seem to be creeping up. Only hope the wind and temp changes forecast for early hours come off but with wet ground it will put us behind those that have snow or ice on the ground already when it comes to the cm's on the ground tomorrow

  2. giving a bit of rotation form the northerly wind it will run dorset/ wiltshire at a guess, when i first saw it i thought Sailsbury.

    think i will be in bed before that gets here!! if it got here!

    Warminster to Salisbury was my thought to, Salisbury Plain will probably help steering it back West a bit. Won't bee stopping up to watch and to top it all the wife wants the PC so I'll have to sign out and stop watching the radar too. (Now where's the ipad?)

  3. there was lying snow out this way wallop, Weyhill .

    Was you snow less at wallop?

    as others have said it was 90% rain by 10am.

    Must admit I wasn't up until 8am but no signs of any snow at that time and no one around here mentioned any. Watched the radar on 'will it rain' last night and most of the wet stuff passed by on either side. Was dry here when I left for Amesbury at 9am. Came home around 10pm and the only winteriness I experienced was some splats of slush against the screen on the top of Beacon Hill. Sounds like we missed out by just a few miles.

  4. Just driven to work in Amesbury the car registering a constant +3.5 degrees on the 10 mile drive here in steady rain. Biggest shock this morning was the amounts of surface water on the country roads, in several places it was across the road and the fields look absolutely saturated. Shows how little the water levels have dropped since the last period of heavy rain

  5. Am I missing something? these are just computer generated models, they don't actually control the weather and nothing they predict is actually cast in stone. I'm amazed at the number of people who seem to be taking these outputs as gospel. We still have a long way to go when it comes to correctly predicting the weather beyond a few days and it is still only wednesday and the constant moaning on the model forums when we miss a bit of a chilly period is one of the reasons I stopped visiting and interacting with the forums.

  6. Definitely a funnel cloud. There was a photo of one near Bridgwater and video of another taken near Marlborough shown on

    BBC Points West this evening.

    That's interesting as I would have been facing towards Marlborough when this was taken and Marlborough would be about 17 miles from where I was located.

  7. Spotted this on the horizon on the drive home, unfortunately I only had a standard lens with me. At first glance this appears to be a funnel cloud. Pictures were taken from a slip road beside the A303 Hampshire Wiltshire border Cholderton / Parkhouse Cross looking towards Tidworth, taken this evening around 5.45pm.

    I am aware of a fire at Wooton Bassett which would be about 30 miles away from where these were taken so I'm unsure if these pictures are a funnel cloud or smoke from that fire but the colour blends too well with the cloud base.

    The images have been cropped but have not been edited in any other way and are in sequence 1 - 5. All thoughts appreciated.






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