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Posts posted by SnowJoke

  1. lm just curious, when is this "thundery" weather due to pass? ld much prefer settled weather now to be honest.. getting kinda tired of it :/


    admittedly lm not a fan of storms close to home (lost a few computers to strikes which doesnt help as l need them to do my job) plus pets start damaging the place when they hear loud bangs :( that being said when are we expecting a lenfthy settled peroid?


    Buy surge protectors for your PC equipment to stop any lightning damage, and secondly the pets damaged the house due to loud noises? Holy Moly do you keep elephants indoors or something, my dog just goes and lays under the coffee table and goes to sleep.


    On another note, been raining heavily on and off since I woke around 8am. Cloud cover is becoming lighter and looks like the sun will be out pretty soon. Atmosphere feels ripe for a storm like it did on Thursday, so just waiting for the fireworks to get started :D

  2. Some lively activity still happening to the SW of Luxembourg heading our way! Can only pray it keeps its sferics by the time it hits Kent/ East Anglia !


    Sadly I'd say don't hold your breath, as the effect of no insolation & the channel kicks in they'll likely die and turn into moderate rain. Hopefully this will clear late morning and allow things to warm up nicely, any storms that develop will be after the overnight rain clears feeding off the moist air at mid levels and any sbcape that builds, although I don't think any storms tomorrow that form will be on the same scale as Thursdays due to less sbcape and lower vorticity.

  3. Thank you Muffelchen I didn't think I was imagining rotation. I was looking at the SAT24 vissable radar playback up until it got too dark to see another frame, and that particular cell on satellite did show clockwise rotation with a small up draft at the rear of the cell protruding above the rest of the anvil which looked like an overshooting top. This is evident on the sat photo's if anyone has access to some higher resolution images I'd very much like to take a look at them.BTW: Nice piccy of the approaching shelf cloud  :clapping:

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  4. It's a lovely shelf cloud indeed. However it isn't supercellular, before everyone gets too excited. It's a squall line feature :)


    I mentioned super cellular upon looking at the precipitation radar, there appeared to be an odd area of rainfall at the back edge of the storm which spread out as though it was moving in the opposite direction to the main forward thrust of the storm, yes it's within a squall line feature, but some squall lines in the UK are known to have embedded storms with super cell characteristics, and a lot of super cells often have very large well defined shelf clouds on their outflow... We won't be able to tell unless there is some more photographic or video footage showing the base and inflow area to determine whether rotation was present.

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  5. Sorry to say it, but it just doesn't feel thundery today at all. A couple of light showers earlier, but it's been mainly cloudy and cool with a naggingly cold south easterly wind blowing today. Feels more like the beginning of October than the end of May at the minute. Here's hoping tomorrow see's the SE wind pull in some more warm humid air of the near continent to get the storms firing. 

  6. Band cleared through about 30 minutes ago and the sun came out, now going very dark to the south of MK once more, nothing showing on radar but by the look of the sky and the fast cumulus development I'd say something is trying to form to the south in the clearer air. Have three clips from the storm earlier which I am uploading in HD to Youtube, will publish later once my poor old internet manages to send them.

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  7. Gone quiet here in MK now, just left with some moderate rain which now appears to be clearing, the last storm that moved through had a dramatic shift in wind pattern with a lot of rising scud in the lower levels, one minute it was blowing from the NE, then round to the SW and after about a minute the winds have moved back to the NE after it passed. Worth keeping an eye on as it pushes NNE as it definitely had vorticity within the back end.

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  8. Three storms close to MK now, the one to the north, can hear thunder from the east and from the south now aswell, the one coming from the south sounds like a beast, the rumbles and booms are so deep   :D


    Edit: Heavy rain now and there is rolling deep thunder coming from every direction of the sky in the distance. I'm more excited than a kid in a candy shop at the minute, don't know where to point my eyes or ears  :rofl:

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  9. First storm now clearing MK to the north, that was intense to say the least, can hear more thunder booming away to the south of MK so I suspect round two isn't far away. Managed to grab a couple of vids on the IPhone as it was close with the torrential rain and hail core, at one point the lightning and thunder were within a second of each other and the whole garden is now flooded with water...  :yahoo:

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