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Everything posted by frozen_north

  1. The probem these days is that we seem to have got into this mentality that cutting our emmisions by 10% or whatever will be enough for us all to live happily ever after crap. I also hate all those green celebs a.g. the coldplay signer. Oh go green, save the planet rubbish while he is driving about in his massive 4x4 and jetting all over the world. We need zero emmisions. Jeremy Clarkson is right when he goes on about driving 4x4. Why shouldnt we. Like is the planet going to saved by us all driving hybrid cars. No, it will only delay the affects of global warming and people seem to forget the world has gone through warming stages before and we are still technically in an ice age. But knowing us humans we want the weather and the temperature of every day to be the same as the average everyday of the year or else we panick.
  2. Yes spring is Glasgow is still to turn up. There was even an item on the news the other day highlighting that we at half way through spring and there are very little signs of spring. Particulary no leaves on the trees.
  3. I just love looking at Aviemores webcam. http://www.met-office.gov.uk/weather/europ...more/index.html They always seem to get snow.
  4. More snow for you guys up North. Makes me jealous living down here in the central belt. Everywhere north of Loch Lomond is pretty much getting snow just like the Northernlies earlier this month. Why could the snow be a 100 miles further south. Anyway in Glasgow we had snow for about 30 minutes. Was quite heavy but didnt lie.
  5. All the money we are spending on climate change today is just completly wasted to keep the environmentalists happy. Its like "Oh look weve reduced our CO2 emmisions by 10% or to below 1990's level(keeping with the Kyoto Proticol), arent we saving the planet." Im fed up with the tosh that some people come out with. We have to reduce our emmisions the environmentalists say, so how exactly do you do that. Well 1) Stop burning all fossil fuels. Well its a great idea except the whole country would be back in the dark ages. We should just live in caves. 2) Use Nuclear energy. Its clean and realtivlely safe. Oh no we cant use that becuase its radioactive and we all know what that means. 3) Wind farms. Its what the environmentalists want. Good idea but it wont produce enough electricity to power the UK. Think calm days. Oh no but they are an eyesore so we cant use them. 4) Wave power. Good but our entire coastline would be destroyed and replaces with something more concrete. 5) Solar panels. Not sunny enough. Fin. Its not looking good. These environmentalists want us to reduce our emmisions but even they cannot come with the answer. So lets say we reduce our by 5% . Is that really going to make a difference. The CO2 is going to keep increasing. And then we have the government. Gordon Brown "We are going to tax 4x4 and suvs because they are the biggest polluters." Can this guy give me a break. Firstly I mike take him seriously if he drove in a fuel efficient car. Has someone told him his big Jag pollutes alot more than quite a few 4x4 and suvs at the moment. Global Warming. Not a day goes by without someone mentioning it. But what most people dont realise is how easily they percieve Global Warming. Take the heavy snows this month. Already I hear people going on about how can Global warming be happening. But if theres a heat wave its all across the news. GW, GW and more GW!!! Theres one final thing I would like to add. Nobody these days are taking the number of humans into the equation of Global warming. Day in and day out 6 billion humans are pumping out CO2 and the number of humans is increasing. Wasnt there also a population boom around the 1800-1900 when the amount of CO2 started to increase. Overall Global Warming is it a myth. Who knows, but there is little disscusion about other greenhouse gases such as methane which are alot more powerful than CO2 but then again everyone has become obessed with CO2.
  6. Spring is definatly delayed this year compared to lasts. Look at this website http://www.phenology.org.uk/ and select side by side maps (Middle of the page). This lets you compare the sightings of animals and first cutting of the lawns around the country. By this time last year spring was in full swing.
  7. Well spring in Glasgow is still quite far away in my opinion. The most I have seen are the daffodils shoots now above ground. Some have blossomed. But they look quite dead because there not standing up staright and are dark yellow almost brown. I think being buried in the heavy snowfalls of couple of days ago cant be good for them. Also some heather is stating to blossom. Otherwise it still looks like winter out there.
  8. Glasgow at 2250 Air temperature -6C Dew Point -9C Wind 220 degress 7 knots Rainfall past 24 hours 0mm Barometric Pressure 998 milibars
  9. Currently thunderstorms in Glasgow and hail.
  10. Raining and the last time it rained was yesterday. Blue skies are a rare event up here.
  11. Raining!!!!!!! Even when its meant to be sunny it will just rain wont it in Glasgow.
  12. The 18cm were probably recorded at Glasgow Airport (Bishopton). As all of Glasgow readings comes from that weather station which is run by the Met Office.
  13. Although the sun didnt come out today i did manage to see some blue sky. Something that I havent seen in a while
  14. Still raining. It always rains in Glasgow.
  15. Oh great its raining in Glasgow again. Well I suppose its different from the constant overcast skies that we have been having for a week now.
  16. Here in the North of Glasgow its currently -2C and didnt get above -1.5C. Its also really foggy with visibilty less than 150m probably about 100m. Thats whats kept the temperatures down.
  17. Just to say its the first time the temperatures have been bleow zero in Glasgow at least a fortnight which is a change from the mild conditions we have had due to there being overcast skies which kept the temperatures up during the night.
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