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Everything posted by LadyPakal

  1. Hmm, this made me think of this: http://www.climateaudit.org/?p=3791
  2. I thought this was an interesting chart- http://wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress.com...wavelet_ssn.png The pattern seen here seems unmistakable. From here: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2008/09/22/new-cycle-24-sunspot/
  3. INteresting maybe? http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2008/sep/H...conference.html NASA To Discuss Conditions On And Surrounding The Sun
  4. http://www.wcsh6.com/life/programming/loca...98&catid=50
  5. So did I. It seems to be one of those 'known' facts like the names of the crew in Captain Pugwash.
  6. "Pugh! Pugh! Barney McGrew! Cuthbert! Dibble! Grubb!" *whistle* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trumpton
  7. Me too - very tasty indeed. I suspect there are more bacteria in our mouths than on a fungus.
  8. Yes, care is needed - even when picking common mushrooms. As this group found out: http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/822753
  9. Pleasant day, if a little breezy. Low of about 10 overnight, high of 15 or so. No rain. Dug up the spuds and the garlic & picked some hops, which are now drying in preparation for a brewing.
  10. Cold overnight (down to 6) - with clear skies. Lot of dew this morning but with sunny spells between the passing clouds, currently 12. Little, if any, wind.
  11. One flew down a couple of years ago and grabbed a steak of our bbq as it was cooking.
  12. A lot of the problems with gulls in Aberdeen were solved by introduction of the wheelie bin. Removing black bin bags from the streets stopped the birds ripping them open and dragging the contents around the pavements. Last year one of the gulls developed a taste for crisps so it decided to shoplift them. It would waltz into the shop, grab a bag off the shelf and do a runner with it. Made the news:
  13. Started off dry and sunny, overnight low of around 6. Rain has kicked in in the last hour - temp currently 13, from a high of 15 before the rain started. We had our boiler serviced yesterday, ready for the winter. It's been off (no heating 'cos the circulation pump was knackered) since before the warmth of May. Still off now - thick granite walls keep our inside temps around 20-22+ unless it is really cold outside. Almost unbearably warm in the bedroom at bedtime even with the recent cooler evenings.
  14. That's why I have a cage for my ground feeding - stops gulls & pigeons getting at it, while letting the smaller birds (and squirrels - amazoing how small a hole they can get through really) through.
  15. In Aberdeen they eat a lot of chips.
  16. It's funny how people see things differently. I was just talking to a chap today and we both agreed this summer was much better than last and we've actually quite enjoyed this summer (including August). We've both spent more time outdoors this summer and quite a few of the sunny spells have coincided with weekends (including one stunning local holiday when the max temp of the year was reached). The hop crop is ripening nicely - almost ready to go for a green brew.
  17. Omnivorous scavengers, strictly speaking. Centipedes actively hunt I think, Earwigs probably just eat anything dead that they find - plant or animal.
  18. Diet They feed on decaying plant and animal matter and other insects From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/wildfacts/factfiles/421.shtml Bit like a cross between centipedes & millipedes or woodlice.
  19. I think you will find that the 'it's vital this is made public' quote came from the email David received - not something that he himself said.
  20. Something I noticed on the way home today - last year there was Sycamore that turned a stunning red (well, half of it did and the rest just dropped a greenish colour - never seen anything like it). Today the leaves on the same half of that tree are turning red. The leaves on the climber of a house nearby are also red. So far looking good for some colour.
  21. Interesting - does it coincide with a warm cycle? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7580294.stm
  22. If Autumn is as colourful as the last two have been up here, I will be happy.
  23. When we were growing up, central heating was not common. We had one fire in the living room with a boiler behind it for the household hot water. No radiators. Edited to mention that I was born in '65. We moved for the last time (before I left home) the year I started at sixth form college - the new house had central heating....bliss!
  24. Have a look at what the winters did after he wrote this - colder to 1890, then warmer to 1928, then colder again to 1970 and now warmer. Gradual warming if you average over the whole of the CET from the start but we are still coming out of an ice age after all. Looking at the winter averages from his 'rigorous' period, I didn't find them particularly harsh compared to the 1677-1770 period. Plus ca change...
  25. Some here may find this link interesting (Iposted it in the other thread) - it is a blog written by the crew of a boat sailing through the NW passage. There is new ice forming in places apparently and they are find the maps (from the Canadian Ice Service) they are using pretty accurate. http://awberrimilla.blogspot.com/2008/08/l...-map-again.html Note that the bog format cuts the maps off to the right - save to desktop to see the whole thing.
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