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Everything posted by LadyPakal

  1. Temperature scale & hot spot added to FLIR image now. http://eldgos.mila.is/eyjafjallajokull-fra-fimmvorduhalsi/
  2. Interesting quotes from Eruptions blog earlier: The new lava has been tested: 'No wonder it's explosive... 61,5%SiO2... That would qualify as dacitic...' http://www2.norvol.hi.is/page/IES-EY-CEMCOM and 'Dacitic? After three weeks of continous basaltic to basaltic - andesitic eruptions? With a fresh influx of lava from the depths forecast from the recent EQ activity, ie more primitive = basaltic magma? Isn't this eruption, very peculiarly, working in reverse? What a reprobate our Lady Eyja turns out to be!'
  3. You can now see a good hot plume from the eruption site & bits of lava? peeking down slope on the FLIR cam. http://eldgos.mila.is/eyjafjallajokull-fra-fimmvorduhalsi/
  4. Hvol cam showing the top of the plkumje right now: http://eldgos.mila.is/eyjafjallajokull-fra-thorolfsfelli/ I see I was beaten to it... Hmm, look to the left - it looks like a smaller plume over there. No, trick of the light & cloud I think.
  5. Can you see it now? The cloud from the lower part of the image has cleared to show the valley & runoff area, up as far as the steam at the top of the glacier. The top normal image can be used to work out where you are in the lower IR image until you get your eye in.
  6. I can see thew valley floor & the colder water running thorugh it - I think.
  7. Arghh - extreme close up!! http://eldgos.mila.is/eyjafjallajokull-fra-fimmvorduhalsi/ His ears sure look nice & clean. Maybe he should take the hint and holiday in the UK next time! OOO the IR camera is online... http://eldgos.mila.is/eyjafjallajokull-fra-fimmvorduhalsi/ NOthing very useful at the moment. Maybe they need to tweak it a bit.
  8. From what I understand all school kids in Iceland have to learn about Geology (compulsory subject) so in effect they are all rockhounds. Any country that makes a study of Geology in school compulsory is fine by me :wacko: <- was meant to be a wink, btw. stupid smilies...
  9. Having looked at that webcam I now feel the need for some windex & a squeegee...skweegee.... sqwegee darnnit, how do you spell that, anyway? Looks like someone did it for me. Now a bunch of puzzled, disappointed rock hounds are peering over the edge.
  10. Chap at the vodacam right now, on the phone. I think he's disappointed with the view...
  11. This is quite interesting: http://www.vizworld.com/2010/04/earthquakes-eruption-iceland-2010-vimeo/ Visualisation of seismic activity in the days leading up to the eruption.
  12. That's a bit like blowing your nose and from the results deciding you have no lung infection.
  13. 'If in the normal course of events, a flight crew were to suspect that they have flown through or near the ash cloud,' The thing is, they are now flying through ash in higher concentrations than before (because they changed the guidelines). Does this get reported now or is it ignored and not reported because it is deemed 'safe' - if so, the engines will not be checked outside of routine maintenance, even when they have been though ash.
  14. Bit of a view of the plume through the clouds: http://eldgos.mila.is/eyjafjallajokull-fra-thorolfsfelli/ Also the tremors seems to be on an uptick again: http://hraun.vedur.is/ja/Katla2009/stodvaplott.html
  15. Yes, and loook at the (lack of) runoff now. Most of the water is now coming from the glacier side (see the white streaky area on the left side of the runoff fan). Very little left coming down through the split rock. How can they do detailed checks when they are back using their original flight timetables? They barely have time to clean the seating areas before loading the next lot of passengers - never mind a thorough engine check between each flight.
  16. In my eyes it has never been about immediate plane crashes (you need to fly directly through the plume for that sort of thing) but the long term effect on the engines - once the threat of ash has passed people relax. Then, 100 flying hours or so down the line, engines start failing for no obvious reason. 'Live today, pay tomorrow' - that seems to be the motto these days.
  17. This is interesting - the SO2 cloud http://satepsanone.nesdis.noaa.gov/pub/OMI/OMISO2/iceland.html
  18. Most recent IMO update - http://en.vedur.is/earthquakes-and-volcanism/articles/nr/1884: Assessment - 05 May 2010 20:50 Increased seismicity suggests that new material is intruding from deep below Eyjafjallajökull and latest GPS-observations suggest inflation. So far, GPS-signals are not large. Plume at 5.5-6.5 km height (a.s.l.) according to IMO's weather radar. Due to mild weather and snowmelt, increase in discharge was noticed in Markarfljót peaking at midnight. Discharge from Gígjökull seems to be decreasing and oscillations in water temperature at the old Markarfljóts bridge relate to air temperature. Pulses of meltwater from Gígjökull are unnoticeable. Lava flows to the north and spreads at 500 m a.s.l. The lava tongue is about 200 m wide and lava channels that join at the tongue are about 30-60 m wide. The lava channels gets wider every day. There are no signs that the eruption is about to end. See more in Status Report issued by Icelandic Meteorological Office and Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, at 18:00.
  19. This thread http://www.ukweatherworld.co.uk/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=35867&start=1126 has a pic of the plume through the clouds, taken earlier. It's towards the bottom of the thread.
  20. Spot the plume... http://eldgos.mila.is/eyjafjallajokull-fra-thorolfsfelli/ Gone again now but the clouds parted long enough to see that the ash plume had gone off the top of the Hvol cam field of view. Yup - and note they have shifted the blame onto the manufacturers should the worst happen. Cool aerial pics of the ash cloud on the meto site: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/corporate/pressoffice/2010/volcano/plane.html
  21. Pipe built into the frame... or maybe he had a colostomey. Or else they had starved him for a few days....
  22. A specially moulded frame running from the ground, up his trouser leg, around his bum & up his back.
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