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Everything posted by Freezing-Point

  1. This must be why. GFS from 12pm is showing a more intense ppn area.
  2. The blob is still there, just out of reach of the Netweather radar though
  3. Factor 10? Thats like sunblock in the height of summer here
  4. Met office has 80% chance of snow by midnight for here. The L.P. is pulling away to the west now, but I can't see convection building that fast. Unless "The Blob" attacks
  5. Notice the shape of its lifted from the ppn from Emma down south!
  6. Sorry. Cruel joke with paintshop. Liven the place up tonight after our snow starvation.
  7. Could be the surprise of the cold spell. An un-forecasted surprise blizzard of epic proportions....
  8. The coldest uppers were yesterday. They are gradually warming a bit from the South. Its been -0.8c here all night. Must be that bit further North thats making the difference
  9. You mean the ones shown here? Does show a clear gap then showers out to sea
  10. I cant see anything coming on the visible satellite images due to all the cloud from the LP to the SW. Will have a quick look at the radar before bed
  11. Where do you see that radar? The met-office one is down due to outages
  12. Been constant light snow here all evening with the odd moderate burst. If the showers are going to come back, I cant see it happening before midnight, as least and will more likely be in the early hours. I also think the Amber warning is due to the winds causing severe drifting. Basically any road which runs perpendicular to a long field where the snow is blowing along is at risk of being blocked.
  13. Just seen the Look North weather. On the now very poor maps without precipitation intensity, there are quite a lot of snow showers passing over the region through the night. Either there is something that is going to cause an increase in convection or they are wrong. Nothing on the radar
  14. Yesterday it was "frequent" , today "Scattered" so probably not much tonight then. Unless you hit lucky....
  15. If there ever was a time for some showers to come over its tonight. A few heavier ones starting to hit here. The wind is stronger than yesterday. Will it happen?
  16. Send some down to the North Tyneside area please....
  17. Did not get that far I think. I hate the new BBC graphics though. Its difficult to see whats going on at times
  18. Although the radar is showing a lot less activity in general the actual snow falling has been about the same here as the last 2 days. Mainly light snow interspersed with the odd heavy burst. According the the BBC forecast this morning there should be some concentrated showers for the Tyneside area by 6pm.....
  19. Nothing of significance on the radar now. Precipitation charts showing possible showers after 6pm. Lets see
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