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Everything posted by NYCSnow

  1. What an absolutely awful and tedious spell of weather this is in the closing stages of a pretty grotty summer overall. At least proper rain is useful, this murky sunless gloom with bits of drizzle and a stiff breeze making it feel very cool really is just the worst for mid August.
  2. Odd sort of day. Early grey and drizzle has turned into some sunny spells where it feels warm but can quickly change to cool and blustery when the thicker cloud passes over.
  3. This rain is really getting very tedious now. Another shower passing through after the heavy rain early this morning. Utterly dismal August so far - very wet, blustery and average temperatures at best. At least there’s been a bit of thunder but the wait goes on for a nighttime storm.
  4. Yet more torrential rain passing through Surbiton. Looks like another deluge to come before drying out for a bit. Quite noticeable how frequent these very heavy bursts of rain are over the last few weeks! edit: and now more thunder!
  5. It really is an all or nothing summer this year, and the nothing periods seem to be the longest and particularly grim. Currently cool and grey with drizzle being blown through on a gusty wind, horrific for late July. The outlook is pretty uninspiring, barely over 20c for at least the next week,
  6. Now under the fourth torrential downpour of the afternoon here in Surbiton with another cheeky rumble of thunder. I think this one is the heaviest yet!
  7. Another one passing through, even heavier this time and a nice crack of thunder to go with it!
  8. Cloud mostly broken up now finally. Something has bubbled up in Hampshire near Liphook, will keep an eye on the radar but not too hopeful now
  9. The first glimmer of brightness here and it seems to have triggered a shower of drizzle! Very frustrating weather
  10. The thundery weather naturally fizzled out on approach to the M25 so just a bit of rain here, we now have incredibly gloomy skies and a thick drizzle has set in. Need this to clear off quickly if we’ve got a chance of some thunder later. ??
  11. We’ve been lucky to drag out the warmth and sunshine for another day in west London although noticeably cooler now and the wind takes the edge off the temperature in the shade. I’ve got my 2nd jab at 9am tomorrow which looks like it could be very bad timing ?⛈
  12. Noticeably less humid today but still very warm and sunny in Surbiton and a nice breeze so much more comfortable
  13. Had some very heavy bursts of rain with huge raindrops and just eeked out a little rumble but not too exciting and starting to brighten up now
  14. All this thundery activity and tropical humidity and Surbiton gets….a light rain shower!
  15. Skies suddenly darkening to the north and my phone lightning app just pinged so perhaps it’s not over for us yet?! ??
  16. Amazing pictures of a supercell storm and possible tornado south of Cambridge getting posted on Twitter! Looks like it’s game over for areas in the west of the region
  17. Seems to be struggling that one! Need something to develop in the Bracknell/Slough area for it to drift our way but skies aren’t promising in that direction at the moment. Feeling increasingly like everything’s going to be north and east of here but still early
  18. Looking increasingly dark west of here and the latest radar grab has something developing just north of Cobham but will likely move south east away from here. Listening out for any distant rumbles
  19. Just love these hot sunny mornings and then watching the clouds bubble up in the afternoon with the anticipation of a possible decent thunderstorm. The first signs of some clouds building to the north west of here in the last 20 minutes or so
  20. Cloud quickly bubbling up now…classic humid summery skies that wouldn’t look out of place in Florida!
  21. 30c at 11:30 so could beat yesterday if skies remain clear. Some clouds starting to bubble up in the distance south west of here.
  22. Hot and sunny in Surbiton, my nearest PWS shows 31 with a dew point of 19 so pretty muggy too. A bit of cloud bubbling up but not amounting to much as yet.
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