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Azores Hi

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Blog Entries posted by Azores Hi

  1. Azores Hi
  2. Azores Hi
    Well the decorations are down, leaving the house strangely sterile, the last of the Christmas chocolate is slowly going stale and grey by the sofa, I threw out some mouldering ham which I energetically cooked pre Christmas but just didn’t have room in my belly to squeeze it in.
    The television schedule has returned to its default setting of predictable, homogenous, bland and awful. (no real change from Xmas really).
    January has started cold but looks rapidly to be turning to mush.
    I haven’t been fishing for weeks.
    I feel ill.
    I’m not sleeping well.
    The cat has done something unspeakable on my Fiancés new boots.
    I've run out of whiskey.
    I'm much heavier than I was in December.
    Please someone tell me that there is a point to January otherwise I’m going to rename it Crapuary…

  3. Azores Hi
    Melissa Florence Cynthia born 20th June 4:10pm, mother, baby and me all bloomin'shattered but happy!
  4. Azores Hi
    Well quite frankly, since Christmas the SAD has really kicked in, dreary weather, short days and post xmas blues all combined to make me feel like it’s all pointless.
    I’ve got lots to live for, my life is pretty great actually. But the trouble is I just wanna sleep all the time and let it all pass me by. I’ve got no enthusiasm for anything right now.
    The only thing that helps is plenty of exercise and then the Spring. Until then, cocooning isn’t an option, I have a life to lead and a job to do.
    Obviously it sounds like I’m taking it all for granted, there are loads of people out there with no job, no home, bigger problems.
    But I think the route cause of the winter blues is that life still goes on, even if you can’t be arsed to pay attention to it. That’s what makes it all so depressing!
  5. Azores Hi
    Not heard about my new job yet. Spoke to the boss today she said that I had done well, then said actually you did very well. Sounds pretty positive but I don't want to get my hopes up.
    They will let me know by the end of the month.
    More waiting then....
    Other news.
    Is it possible to overdose on BBQs? I think that I've had one too many. Possible all that protein is bad for my digestion. I will spare you the details
    hmm weather looks good for next weekend. I have this one off so i think I will go fishing.................... or maybe light the BBQ (sound of distant rumbling).
  6. Azores Hi
    Little did I know that when I got my cat a few years back that I would get hundreds of free pets. The other day I was watching TV when I felt something on my arm, looking down I saw a little flea crawling across my skin.
    'Calmly' and 'rationally' I made a lunge for it with the remote control. Smashing it's little body to bits.
    On closer inspection of our cat with a fine toothed comb I discovered he was host to a rather formidable number of the little blighters.
    "Ah, no wonder he's been acting irrational"
    I said.
    "For gods' sake don't just stand there, do something"
    Thought the cat.
    Without further ado I set about the cat with an array of chemical and biological devices designed to combat our uninvited guests.
    Result......................no fleas on the cat but the cat now hates my guts and just sits there with his back to me looking disgusted.
    Ungrateful little b*****d
  7. Azores Hi
    When I'm stressed out, I close my eyes and I'm there, on that beach......you know the one! The one which is warm and tropical and just perfect. Maybe your beach is different from mine, the details are not important but we all have our beach.
    Mines a real beach in Tasmania, a perfect little cove, the sand is white, it's secluded (you have to hike over some mountains to get there). There is a little stream where I can build a dam and there is a small lagoon. There are rockpools to explore and a headland to climb over and see the view. There is a little broken jetty that I can fish from or if I feel lazy I can peer through the cracks of the jetty and stare into the deep clear blue water at the fish and the sealife.
    There is a lovely bit of shade and behind the beach is a camping area. At night the local wildlife gathers at the laggon and you can watch the sun go down with a roo as company (although a pretty girl is better)!
    So if you haven't already got a beach I can thoroughly recommend it. After half and hour on my beach I'm ready for anything!
  8. Azores Hi
    Some years pass you by and don’t seem at all memorable, other years ‘things happen’ monumental things! Sometimes these events are personal and other times it’s more widespread.
    Take last year for instance, pretty benign by most standards for me, did job, came home, annual holiday, blah blah blah.
    Don’t get me wrong, there were memorable events, but all in all it all past quite benignly. No one died, Although we had/have financial stress we coped. Nothing really upset the applecart.
    This year I have a feeling that things could be different,
    My wife and I are expecting a baby, possibly the biggest life changing event for any couple. At work, things are ‘afoot’ with our company being absorbed more completely into our parent company. This is called integration apparently. I call it downsizing and cost cutting.
    The financial stress of last year is starting to wear and we face the real possibility of severe hardship if certain key things (which are quite likely) happen. I look to my friends and a lot of them seem to be on the cusp of big changes in their lives too. Job losses, or threats thereof, babies on the way, life saving operations, relationship woes, emigration possibilities, weddings, funerals. It’s all on the cards this year.
    Further afield there are political issues, regime changes, economic instability, climate woes. It seems we live in interesting times! I don’t hold much faith in horoscopes but if I had bothered to read mine for this year on New Years Day, if it didn’t say ‘Hold on to your Hat!’ then I’d be disappointed.
  9. Azores Hi
    It’s funny how our expectations cloud our judgements isn’t it?
    For example:
    Person A works has a leading role in a small company but he doesn’t believe in his own abilities as a manager. As a consequence whenever he is praised for his work he quickly dismisses it and it’s quickly forgotten. Perversely, whenever he is criticised he will dwell on what has happened and torture himself, wondering what went wrong and agonising about how to put things right.
    He goes home to his wife and tells her all about the mistake he has made, when he goes to the pub with his mate he will have the same conversation.
    In short what is happening is that he is focusing on the bad stuff and not allowing himself to feel the praise and celebrate it.
    The irony is that in his conversations with his mates he complains that he never gets recognition for the hard work he puts in and the long hours he works. He is getting it but he doesn’t listen to that bit!
    He does this because of the image he has of himself. He doubts his own abilities and so is always looking for the evidence to support his theory, after all, no one wants to be proved wrong do they?
    He is looking at the small blemish on an otherwise perfectly white sheet of paper.
    Person B is the manager of person A.
    She sees great potential in person A, their skills are a bit rough around the edges but the potential is there for person A to be a great manager and to make a real success of their role. Person B has been coaching person A for a while, trying to raise him up to a higher standard. The only trouble is that every time person A fails she senses that he falls back down to a lower level again. It really knocks his confidence and he ends up back where he started.
    It’s got to the point now where person B is losing patience. It seems like a predictable pattern. Person A takes a few steps forward and then takes a few steps back again. Now Person B has come to expect it. She has now got preconceived ideas about person B and finds herself becoming frustrated with his performance and she is now becoming overly critical, picking on the slightest mistake, he seems to require constant support and positive feedback, but in reality she hasn’t got time to nurture person A full time, and he doesn’t listen anyway!
    She is looking for the slightest blemish on an otherwise perfectly white sheet of paper.
    So what is the answer? Some of us are very pessimistic. We are constantly looking for praise from others, but if we don’t have faith in ourselves we don’t take this praise on board anyway. The answer is to change our own image of ourselves, if you truly believe that you can be successful then you will start to act successful. Take on board people’s criticism, but don’t dwell on it. Learn from it and move on, confident in the knowledge that you have grown stronger and you won’t repeat the mistake.
    When you start to act successful then people will recognise that trait in you. Their preconceived idea of you will be that you are a winner. When it comes to that new promotion or that important contract they need to get, who do you think will be at the top of the list of candidates?
    P.s. I worked out all this during the third pint in the pub last night! By the forth the conversation had moved on to house prices! But I thought I had better get this little gem of wisdom down today before I forgot. I’m sure it’s not a new revelation but it’s taken me 32 years to figure it out. I hope you find it useful too...?
  10. Azores Hi
    [left]Well, here we are 13 weeks into fatherhood! I’m very conscious of becoming a baby bore (see earlier blog entry) so I’ll keep it brief! In a nutshell I’ve never been so tired and yet so happy, she is a little darling and any sleepless nights are forgiven with one little smile.[/left][left]In other news we have finally sold the back end of our garden to our neighbor who is going to build a house on the plot of land. It’s great to finally see this happen as we have been negotiating and trying to get it sorted for the last 4 years! It is heartbreaking to see the bulldozers move in and part of me feels like we have sold a small part of our souls as my wife and I are keen gardeners and we had ambitious landscaping plans when we first moved in. A couple of trees which we planted ourselves 10 years ago have also been chopped down and I’m glad we were out when it happened.[/left][left]However looking forward it means that we are in a nice position financially, much better than I hoped for considering my wife lost her job while she was pregnant.[/left][left]I remember writing in an earlier blog about how this year seems to be quite hectic and full on. Well that theme has continued and it feels like sometimes my life is stuck on fast forward these days.[/left][left]Having completed the garden sale we immediately set off to look for another house and exploring the possibilities of renting out our current property. However, considering the fast pace of this year and not wanting to tempt fate we have decided to hold off until after Christmas. In addition we have a family member in relationship troubles, and one who has grave health issues. This year is proving to be just a bit too full on and we are reluctant to push our luck. [/left][left]Time to sit back, take stock and enjoy life for a short while… [/left][left]… and if that isn’t tempting fate I don’t know what is! [/left][left][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/312376_10150298693508995_754708994_8047017_1935201963_n.jpg[/img][/left]
  11. Azores Hi
    In not much more than I month I will be a Dad.

    As I sit here and contemplate that sentence it still boggles my mind that the authorities have allowed this to happen, surely there are protocols in place to prevent people like me from breeding? Apparently not! It seems that any Tom, Dick or Harry can procreate whenever they wish, it’s a human right so I’m told..
    On the face of it we are woefully unprepared for the imminent arrival of Melissa Florence, the nursery if half painted and baby paraphernalia is scattered throughout the house in random piles, much like a tsunami has swept through the local nursery and dumped it’s contents haphazardly in every room.
    Emotionally it’s been a bit of a roller coaster, a few niggling health problems from the start and it seems no sooner did one issue resolve when a scan would reveal some new horror to be googled and fretted over. Today however I hope we have turned a corner, the latest scan showed everything back to normal, a very average little baby nestling in a very average womb and a mother who looks radiant and beautiful (but slightly more rotund).
    So we can settle down into the last few weeks of pregnancy and look forward to our new arrival, now, where did I leave that paintbrush?
  12. Azores Hi
    For years I have lagged behind my friends and family in regards to procreation. I stood quietly in the corner, rolling my eyes as they compared rearing notes and cooed over their offspring. Even the sanctuary of the pub held no safety. Each of my drinking buddies has there own kids and much of the chatter is about the latest exploits of little Tommy who has finally managed to use the potty or tie up a shoelace.
    Personally I found all that mind numbingly boring, who really needs to know the ins and outs of a child’s snotty exploits? I certainly didn’t and I was confused at the enthusiasm they all had on the subject. Sure I get it, you’re proud of your kids, but this is the PUB. Shut up and talk b***ocks please!
    Then I found out it’s our turn, my wife and I are about to join the club. First reaction was huge! I’m going to be a daddy! YAY, cue the fanfares! But as the weeks of pregnancy went on the novelty wore off slightly, not to say I was any less pleased! I’m delighted, it just seemed a long way off and in the meantime, well, not much changed.
    Yesterday we had a scan at 21 weeks into the pregnancy and oh Boy! Stand back! The damn thing has a face!! A beautiful little face! She was reclining in that cosy womb like a beachbum in a hammock and I’m smitten. Totally in love with an unborn child and now I Get IT! I get why all my friends and family go on and on about every little detail, I get why they obsess about each stage of development like it’s world news.
    To the those without a kid, this stuff is about as interesting as watching paint dry, but to Mummy and Daddy, it’s like the falling of the Berlin wall every single day.
  13. Azores Hi
    Try and stay awake now!!

    This is our set up. Right by the river near to Argentat, Department of the Correze in SW France.

    View towards campsite from nearby bridge.

    Little cottage next to campsite, typical of the area.


    It did rain a bit!

    But the tent and the tarp coped well

    The best Cheese shop in France, Monts du Cantal

    The rain became too much so we headed off to the Ardeche region. Here is the view from the campsite

    Gorges de L'Ardeche


    Pont D'Arc

    A troll, hiding in the trees!

    Eddie Lizard

    Sleeping Cat, in market where I purchased my new mushroom collecting basket (see food for free thread)

  14. Azores Hi
    Blimey, yes I'm going to talk about the weather
    Or more precisley the Model discussion thread. You will very rarely see me post on that thread, I wouldn't want to tarnish it with my less than amature thoughts but you can bet your bottom dollar I will view it regularly throughout the day. Having been a member of this forum for a couple of years now and an avid fan of this forum I have found the model discusion thread of great interest and a valuble learning tool. Which I'm sure was the intention of that thread from the start.
    Throughout this winter however I have found it labourious to wade through all the differing opinions, claims and counter claims. It seems like for every sensible well thought out post there are 3 which lend nothing to the discussion and distract from the true purpose of the thread.
    There are several regular posters who are steadfast and reliable, they may have their preferances in regards to the weather they wish to see but they don't let that get in the way of the facts. Thankfully most of these guys are posting detailed forecasts and thoughts seperate from the main model discussion and I have found these to be far more down to earth and straightforward (albeit sometimes quite technical) than the Model output discussion.
    I feel that now I can interpret the models to a degree where I think I will avoid viewing the Model output discusion thread and stick with those threads from those forecasters I trust. It saddens me to do that because I've learnt a lot wading through that thread, it's just that I can't be bothered any more. I just hope that newer members don't feel the same way as me as they will lose a valuable learning tool.
    One final note.
    To those that post detailed and regular thoughts seperate from the model thread.
    Keep up the good work guys, you can be sure there are lots of people out there hanging on every word and we really appreciate your efforts, even though you may only find most of our posts in the lounge :lol:
  15. Azores Hi
    To the tune of Thunder child....thanks to Flagpole!
    He appears to be quite simple.
    As he leans against the wall.
    Enamelled in plain white splendour.
    He isn't very tall.
    They turn him on when it's winter,
    Turn him off when it's mild.
    Once a year they paint him,
    Radiator child!
    Sorry I forgot to take my pills.....
  16. Azores Hi
    This is what is going on inside your cat's head while it is standing just out of reach and you are trying to touch it;
    Touch my fur....................no, don't touch my fur!
    Touch my fur....................no don't!
    Go on, please...................no don't
    I bite
    Go on...no……Please! Feed me!
    Touch my fur!
    Attack! attack!
    Touch my Fur!
    And now while it is half asleep staring at you with half closed eyes (think Gollum/Smeagol)
    We want's it, we NEEDS it!
    No, can't, Master's food, musn't touch!
    It's ours, precious. Nasty master keeps it from us, but it's ours!
    Good master he wouldn't treat us so, he's good to us, keeps us safe. GIVES us food!
    No master wants us dead we must take it from him while he sleeps,....
    But the fat one, he watches, we can't get past him he kill us...
    Then we must throttle him!
    And finally, this is what your cat is thinking while it is alone...
    Echo five to base come in...
    Phase one, infiltration and trust gaining complete, awaiting new orders, over.
    Excellent work echo 5, proceed to phase two, food stealing and floor soiling, avoid detection at all costs, they must not suspect a thing. If detection is likely remember to use the accusing stare at the dog trick. Failing this, flee and become stray. Our agents will pick you up and send you to our reconditioning base at Battersea.
    Good luck echo 5, the cat world awaits your triumphant return. All your training has led to this moment, don't let us down.
    Message received and understood. Don't worry, I have their complete trust. I'm eating out of their hands, they don't suspect a thing.
    God, if only they knew! Soon our time will come.....soon. Echo 5 out.
  17. Azores Hi
    I wasn't going to write this at first, I couldn't really see the point. But as I thought on it, it occured to me that I probably should, just to get it off my chest and maybe to spread a bit on sense to the masses.
    What am I on about? I'm talking about the rash of, quite frankly, racist, bigoted and downright offensive comments posted in some threads, by some posters. I'm all for freedom of speech, I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However sometimes I wonder where people get there ideas from, when I hear people commenting on foreign immigration 'diluting' our Englishness. That the integration of cultures is fundementally flawed, I have to say that my blood runs cold.
    It is from this standpoint that Nazism took a hold of Germany, have we learnt nothing in the last 60 years? I hope and pray that these people are in the minority and I hope and pray that as a nation we don't fall into the trap that to preserve our culture we must prevent infiltration from others. Master race anyone? You should be ashamed of yourselves.
    I work in a multicultural company, we don't seek to dilute each others culture but we learn from each other all the time. We are united by a common goal, we are tollerant of our differances. If it can work in business, surely it can work in society as well?
  18. Azores Hi
    After nearly three weeks of waiting (I now have no fingernails left) I officially heard that I got the job I was after, better than that, initially it's a mixture of the best bits of the job I do now and learning my new role.

  19. Azores Hi
    A poem by me.
    Some sort of Cat
    We think that it's some sort of cat,
    It's certainly covered with fur,
    And now we've started to stroke it,
    It's suddenly started to purr.
    And now it's just made a beeline,
    For the food we left by the door.
    It's certainly some kind of feline,
    And it's just done a p## on the floor.
    It's definitely not a fierce tiger,
    And unlikely to be a big bat.
    It’s trying to squeeze in beside us,
    And trying to get on my lap.
    And now with all the confusion,
    With everything all of a flap.
    We just all came to the conclusion,
    That we think that it’s some sort of cat.
    Just a bit of fun
    Hope you like it.
  20. Azores Hi
    Well I know I said a wasn't going to look at the model Output thread anmore but unfortunately I did just that. Well, there is a cold snap on the way afterall. :lol:
    Again it was full of useless comments or comments which belong in another thread. I don't know why I'm so uptight about this, it really isn't like me at all but for some reason I'm wound up about it. So much so that I took the step to actually report one particular post to the mods. Something I have never done before.
    I'm glad to say that the response was swift and the post was removed (thanks Paul ) but looking back on the thread on half an hour later I saw 2 or 3 posts which deserved the same treatment, I can't report them all. I'm just not that sad!
    Guys, think before you post! It's been said a thousand times before but ask yourself. Is this the right thread for this post? Does it contribute to the discussion?
    If not then rethink where it does belongs and post it there, there are plenty of threads where you can talk about the particulars of each event without trashing the Model thread. There is even a thread to moan in.
    Anyway, rant over for now and in the future i will go back to my pleasant and carefree self, but now I realise how some people get such high post counts and mine remains below 200 despite being a member for ages. ( I even refrain from trashing the forum with my moaning and keep it in my blog )Prehaps those people who repeatedly offend and post in the wrong thread should have their count dropped to 0. just a thought?
    P.S People no one cares if it never snows where you live! Unless they live there too, in which case they already know! Pointless
    And relax *goes off to find something worthwhile to moan about *
  21. Azores Hi
    Well tonight I will be eating half a cow, drinking whiskey until things stop hurting and my eyesight starts to fail, then I shall retire to the garden to fire expensive and potentially lethal fireworks at next doors shed.
    Happy new year everyone!
  22. Azores Hi
    Well, this weekend I went to London for the day. Had a fantastic time particularly the London Duck Tour. For those that don’t know the duck tour is a tourist trip around London in a nine ton WW2 amphibious vehicle, which has been painted bright yellow. The highlight of the trip is at the end when you plummet into the Thames via the MI6 slipway and take a cruise along the river. I can thoroughly recommend it if you like things quirky.
    The rest of the day was spent in bars or walking the town, many cocktails and pints sunk.
    On a down note, I’ve just found out that I may have to work on Xmas day or Boxing day, I was burying my head in the sand on that front but I thought those days were behind me….it appears not……. Bugger.
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