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Everything posted by liamcymro

  1. OMG, there's some huge lightning with this one! I was nearly blinded there!
  2. Downpours, thunder & lightning, wind and hail here in Deiniolen, N W Wales! Blooming heck this is bad!
  3. Yes, Snowdon has seen snowfall a few weeks back. Some snow is seen on the lower mountains now as well.
  4. Don'r care about the wind here in Cardiff - this rain is something else! Torrential!
  5. The lind of showers is now hitting Cardiff...no thunder or lightning but the rain! Monsoon!
  6. we've just had a similar flash to the South East of Cardiff....
  7. Some nice rumbles of thunder and distant flashing in Cardiff.....
  8. Mother reporting thunder in North West Wales, looking pretty dark towards South West Cardiff too...
  9. I can see as far as the Wicklow Mountains of Ireland from my village Deiniolen which is 215m asl. It depends on the conditions on a milky sky red sunset. If you're on ynys Enlli on the Llyn Peninsula at night the only light you could see is of those in Dublin. Ill post some pics tomorrow!
  10. Small thunderstorm moving NW from here - Over Bangor area now - frequent rumbles.
  11. Turning cold now - +2.8C = Snow still hanging on above around 700m here in Snowdonia. Had a few showers lunchtime but apart from that it's been a dry day! Say 'No' to the S4C cuts!
  12. Just had a deep rumble of thunder here! Looking dark towards the West. Also to starting to rain. And another one!
  13. Better conditions here today - skies clearing to the North now - but will it still be possible to see the Perseids Shower again tonight? Would love to some...
  14. Woke up to some deep rumbles of thunder here although the sky is quite bright - Saw some distant lightning from a cell that was to the North East from here last night at around midnight - although distant the lightning was very bright . Quieter now......
  15. Could see some fantastic Cumulonimbus with anvils over Ireland from my back garden here in Deiniolen, Gwynedd, North Wales - although it has been a beautiful, warm day here with one or two towering Cumulus around.
  16. Thunderstorm now kicking off here with a few rumbles.....and downpours
  17. Had fantastic thunderstorms last night that lasted from around 1am - 2.45am, with very loud thunder and downpours. Rain Gauge had 28mm rain in it this morning - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/north_west_wales/10448356.stm
  18. http://sat24.com/Eyjafjallajokull-volcano.aspx http://sat24.com/Eyjafjallajokull-volcano.aspx
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