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Everything posted by moogyboobles

  1. Unfortunately by the time I drove around the corner for a better view unobstructed by houses, some boring normal clouds had rolled in hiding them.
  2. I think it always will be, well for at least the foreseeable. They can predict wet stuff falling, in what format though, it's a fine line. And that is why we love it so. We only really know when we look outside. The uncertainty.
  3. Just has a surprising notification on here, a new badge indicating that I have been hanging around these part for 20 years! I had to look up what was going on at the time to make me join, obviously it was this.
  4. It's all gone wonderfully dark and cosy with torrential rain here... however I am feeling bad as it's bin day, and they are not having a great time doing their job in this.
  5. Ice day here in South Woodham (so far), the warmest it got to be was -0.5 (and that was at 1am).
  6. I didn't notice until I popped to the shop, but there is what I can only describe as the finest mist of a drizzle of sleet falling. A few flakes mixed in.
  7. I noticed this too but didn't capture the halo. But did take this on my late afternoon but it's dark walk. And cold. I really should have worn gloves.
  8. The wood pigeons in the garden are really enjoying this rain. Lifting up their wings above their heads, apparently this is what they do to wash (I googled, wondering what they were doing). Like a power shower!
  9. Well I have a perfect blue sky this morning, you are not far from me so hoping you have the same.
  10. I've made the most of what might be the last chance this year to get my washing dried outside! Lovely day.
  11. Calm here in South Woodham Ferrers, and raining. I can see it's rained a lot over night from my flooded garden. I'm guessing I'm near the centre when there's so little wind!
  12. I've still got one son young enough to be in school, and the school have just email about the storm and how they are keeping an eye on things and making plans if needed.
  13. Just after 4pm today we had a very brief storm here (South Woodham Ferrers), lightning and hail. I just got back from Sainsbury's... the hail in the car park! Similar scenes just up the road from here at BP too. As for 1987, I was 8 years old and mostly remember just how annoyed I was to have slept through it and wished my parents had woken me up.
  14. Any idea what this was on BBC Weather today? 20vtmacd An error, the name of someone who took the photo... some weather thing I don't know about?
  15. What is weird is how warm it is coupled with how early it gets dark. This does not fit together. My neighbours even had a barbecue today.
  16. No, I was going by all the weather stations in my town, who have always proven to be reliable. They all say about 24.9 right now. The weekend is going to be an adjustment. My jumpers are ready.
  17. I am enjoying this weather today, autumn is my absolute favourite, although as it's bin day I did have to chase my empty bin down the road! I am sitting here in a jumper editing photographs I took when shooting a wedding ten days ago, when it was 32 degrees.
  18. Just had some rain just bubble up over the past hour, just over my town South Woodham, then just die down again. Not moving anywhere, just popping up and disappearing in the one place.
  19. Condensation on the outside of my windows this morning, I don't see that often. It's going to be a warm one.
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